ICC_coloquio newman_tit

III International John Henry Newman, his sources and commentators colloquium

III International John Henry Newman, his sources and commentators colloquium


ICC_NEWMAN_llamada a ponencias

Call for papers

The Newman Circle invites submissions on the topic of the Education liberal at Newman.

deadline deadline for submitting proposals: Tuesday 30 April 2019

Address to which the proposal of discussion paper or speech should be sent: rathie@up.edu.mx

Acceptance response date: 31 May 2019

Languages: Spanish and English

Please indicate the following data when sending the proposal to discussion paper:

  • Full name of author(s), University of affiliation, e-mail address
  • degree scroll of the discussion paper
  • summary in 500 words

Papers should be essays in the style of seminar: approximately 5 double-spaced pages. The usual presentation time allotted to each work is 25 minutes (including questions and answers).

Please check beforehand the explanation on topic (Topic) of colloquium, as well as the financial arrangements of the organisers.

If you have questions or require more information about lecture, please contact rathie@up.edu.mx.

Please note that in order to participate as speaker it is necessary to pay the Newman Circle membership fee of USD 100 per year. For further information, please contact



Central Building, first floor
Campus Universitario s/n

31080 Pamplona, Spain

