How are the books ordered?
This page contains the bibliographic classification that allows you to organise and locate the documents in the Library Services collections.
Main Library
Thematic areas
A - Fifth floor
SA - Floor leave. bibliography recommended
SAT - Library Services of the Schools Ecclesiasticals
AA or LEG - Deposit
programs of study Bible
A 001.000 - Holy Bible
Canon Law
A 011.000 - Classical Canonists
A 012.000 - Treatises
A 013.000 - Monographs
A 031.000 - Ecclesiastical law
History of the Church and of Canon Law
A 035.000 - Collected writings
A 041.000 - Sources
A 057.500 - Works of reference letter
A 061.000 - Treatises
A 062.000 - Monographs
A 081.000 - General
A 090.000 - Journals
Dogmatic Theology
A 091.000 - Treatises
A 092.000 - Monographs
Spiritual Theology
A 111.000 - General
Moral Theology
A 121.000 - Treatises
A 122.000 - Monographs
bibliography Opus Dei
A 151.000 - Works on Opus Dei and its Founder
A 161,000 - Works of the Founder
A 166,000 - Magazines
B - Fourth floor
SB - Floor leave. bibliography recommended
BB or LEG - Deposit
Ethics and Philosophy of Law
B 001.000 - Treatises
B 002.000 - Monographs
B 015.000 - Bioethics
B 018.000 - Collected writings
Criminal Law
B 021.000 - Legislation
B 022.000 - Treaties
B 023.000 - Monographs
B 051.000 - Collected writings
B 052.000 - Journals
B 060.000 - Works by reference letter from Philosophy
B 065.000 - History of Philosophy
B 071.000 - Sources
B 072.000 - General
B 111.000 - Collected writings
B 122.000 - Journals
B 150.000 - Philosophy of Nature and Science
C - Fourth floor
SC - Floor leave. bibliography recommended
CC or LEG - Deposit
Procedural Law
C 001.000 - Treaties
C 002.000 - Monographs
C 009.000 - Legislation
C 010.000 - Collected writings
C 011.000 - Journals
Commercial Law
C 012.000 - Treaties
C 013.000 - Monographs
C 026.000 - Maritime law
International Private Law
C 031.000 - Treaties
C 032.000 - Monographs
C 045.000 - Collected writings
C 048.500 - Journals
Civil Law
C 051.000 - Laws in force in Spain
C 052.000 - General
C 063.500 - Works of reference letter
C 065.000 - Collected writings
C 066.000 - Journals
C 071.000 - Spanish Treaties
C 072.000 - Foreign treaties
C 073.000 - General part and persons
C 080.000 - Rights in rem
C 091.000 - Obligations
C 111.000 - Family and successions
C 135.000 - Foral Law
C 136.000 - Agrarian Law
C 141.000 - Comparative Law
Labor Law
C 161.000 - Legislation
C 162.000 - Treaties
C 163.000 - Labour Law
C 181.000 - Social Security
C 201.000 - Trade Union Law
C 204.000 - Collected Writings
C 205.000 - Journals
Tax Law
C 206.000 - Legislation
C 207.000 - Treaties
C 207.500 - General part monographs
C 209.000 - Special part monographs
C 211.000 - Budgetary law
C 213.000 - Local Treasuries
C 214.000 - Collected writings
C 215.000 - Journals
Public Law
C 216.000 - Legislation
C 217.000 - Treaties
C 218.000 - Monographs of Constitutional Law
C 231.000 - Monographs of Administrative Law
C 261.000 - Collected writings
C 262.000 - Journals
D - Third floor
SD - Floor leave. bibliography recommended
DD or LEG - Deposit
Modern History
D 033.000 - General History
D 056.500 - Works of reference letter
Historical geography
D 057.000 - Historical geography
D 058.000 - Atlas
D 058.500 - Works of reference letter
D 060.000 - Methodology and Philosophy of History
Collected writings
D 065.000 - History and Political Theory
D 072.000 - History and Political Theory
General Modern History
D 073.000 - General
D 119.500 - Works of reference letter
International Public Law
D 121.000 - Treaties
D 126.000 - Monographs
D 146.000 - Collected writings
D 148.500 - Journals
Hispanic America
D 151.000 - General
D 169.500 - Works of reference letter
Contemporary History of Spain
D 173.000 - General
D 199,500 - Works of reference letter
History of Public, Social and Economic Institutions
D 201.000
Political Theory
D 221.000 - General
D 250.000 - Works of reference letter
E - Third floor
SE - Floor leave. bibliography recommended
EE or LEG - Deposit
Medieval culture
E 001.000 - Historical sources
E 031.000 - General
E 048.500 - Works by reference letter
E 050.000 - Collected writings
E 051.000 - Journals
History of the Age average
E 052.000 - Castile and Leon
E 063.000 - Crown of Aragon
E 071.000 - Navarre
E 076.000 - General Hispanic average Age
E 081.000 - Universal average Age
History of Law
E 121.000 - Spanish legal sources
E 122.000 - Treaties of History of Law Spanish
E 123.000 - Monographs of History of Law Spanish
E 156.000 - History of Law Universal
E 161.000 - General
E 169.500 - Works of reference letter
E 171.000 - Philology
E 171.500 - Works from reference letter
E 173.000 - History
E 201.000 - Sources
E 205.000 - Monographs
F - Third floor
SF - Floor leave. bibliography recommended
FF or LEG - Deposit
Roman Law
F 001.000 - Sources
F 002.000 - Treaties
F 003.000 - Monographs
F 021.000 - Other Ancient Rights
F 031.000 - Collected writings
F 032.000 - Journals
Philology Classical
F 033.000 - Epigraphy
F 051.000 - Papyrology
F 071.000 - Greek authors
F 090.000 - Collections of Greek authors
F 091.000 - Latin authors
F 121.000 - Classical Linguistics
F 141.000 - General
F 159.500 - Works by reference letter
F 161.000 - Collected Writings
F 162.000 - Journals
History of Antiquity
F 163.000 - Greece
F 181.000 - Rome and Germanic Invasions
F 201.000 - East
F 206.000 - General
F 209.500 - Works of reference letter
F 211.000 - Prehistory
F 231.000 - Protohistory
F 236.000 - Classical Archaeology
F 251.000 - Late Antiquity Archaeology
F 254.000 - Medieval Archaeology
F 255.000 - American Archaeology
F 257.000 - Numismatics
F 258.000 - General
F 260.500 - Works from reference letter
F 262.000 - Collected Writings
F 263.000 - Archaeology
F 263.900 - Ethnology
Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology
F 264.000 - General
F 274.000 - Works of reference letter
G - Second floor
SG - Floor leave. bibliography recommended
GG or LEG - Deposit
General Literature
G 001.000 - Literary Theory
History of World Literature
G 011.000 - General
G 025.000 - Collected Writings
G 039,500 - Works by reference letter
G 042.000 - Magazines
Spanish Literature
G 043.000 - General
G 059,500 - Works from reference letter
G 061.000 - Age average
G 081,000 - Golden Century
G 111,000 - 18th Century
G 121,000 - 19th Century
G 131,000 - 20th century (up to 1939)
G 151.000 - 20th century (1939...)
Non-Castilian Hispanic literature
G 191.000 - Catalan literature
G 211.000 - Galician-Portuguese literature
G 221.000 - Spanish-American Literature
G 236.000 - Basque literature
G 241.000 - Other Hispanic literatures
General Linguistics
G 242.000 - Language Theory and Methodology
G 246,000 - General
G 254,500 - Works from reference letter
G 256,000 - Phonetics and Phonetics
G 266,000 - Grammar
G 281,000 - Lexicography and semantics
Spanish Linguistics
G 291.000 - Language Theory and Methodology
G 311,000 - General
G 314,500 - Works from reference letter
G 316.000 - Phonetics and phonology
G 321.000 - Grammar (morphology and syntax)
G 331,000 - Semantics
G 336,000 - Lexicography and lexicology
G 351,000 - Onomastics
G 366.000 - Dialectology
Non-Castilian Hispanic Linguistics
G 381.000 - Catalan linguistics
G 401,000 - Galician-Portuguese Linguistics
G 421,000 - Spanish-American
G 436.000 - Basque linguistics
G 441.000 - Other languages
H - Second floor
SH - Floor leave. bibliography recommended
HH or LEG - Deposit
Philology French
H 001.000
Philology Italian
H 021.000
Philology General Romance
H 041.000
Philology English
H 046.000
Philology German
H 066.000
Other Modern Languages
H 086.000 - Other Languages
H 091.000 - General
H 099.500 - Works from reference letter
H 101.000 - Collected writings
H 102.000 - Magazines
J - Second floor
SJ - Floor leave. bibliography recommended
JJ or LEG - Deposit
J 001.000 - Magazines
J 005.000 - General
J 030.000 - Collected writings
J 035.000 - Didactics
J 038,500 - Works from reference letter
J 040.000 - Education special
J 045.000 - Didactics of languages
J 050.000 - Education for children and primary education
J 055.000 - Education secondary and higher education
University and Centres Documents from research
J 060.000
L - Second floor
SL - Floor leave. bibliography recommended
LL or LEG - Deposit
Information systems
L 001.000 - General
L 005.000 - Public Relations
L 008.500 - Works of reference letter
L 010.000 - Public Opinion
L 012.500 - Social information systems
L 017.000 - Commercial advertising
L 019.000 - Magazines
Means of dissemination
L 020.000 - General
L 025.000 - Press
L 030.000 - Radio
L 035.000 - Cinema
L 040.000 - Television
L 070.000
M - First floor
SM - Ground floor leave. bibliography recommended
MM or LEG - Deposit
Geography of Spain
M 001.000 - General
M 003.000 - Regional
M 004.000 - Geological Maps
Universal Geography
M 005.000 - General
M 010.000 - Europe
M 016.000 - Asia
M 021.000 - Africa
M 026.000 - America
M 031,000 - Australia, Oceania and Polar Regions
General Geography
M 033.000 - Atlas
M 034.000 - General
M 035.000 - Collected writings
M 036.000 - Journals
Physical Geography
M 037.000 - Physical geography
M 040.000 - Regime of the seas
M 041.000 - Regime of the new spaces
N - First floor
SN - Floor leave. bibliography recommended
NN or LEG - Deposit
N 001.000 - General
N 020.000 - Art of the Ancient Age (until 5th c.)
N 040.000 - Art of the Modern Age average (5th-15th c.)
N 060.000 - Art of the Modern Age (16th-18th c.)
N 090.000 - Art of the Contemporary Age (19th-21st c.)
N 220.000 - Photography
N 240.000 - Museology
N 250.000 - Musicology
N 260.000 - Works of reference letter
N 270.000 - Collected writings
N 300.000 - Magazines
O - First floor
SO - Floor leave. bibliography recommended
OO or LEG - Deposit
Economics of the business
O 070.000 - General
O 080.000 - Administration and Organisation
O 090.000 - Investment and financing
O 100.000 - Accounting
O 110.000 - Production
O 120.000 - Marketing
Economic structure
O 130.000 - General
O 140.000 - International Economic Structure and Organisation
O 150.000 - Spanish economic structure and its sectors
O 160.000 - Economic series data
Economic theory
O 170.000 - General
O 180,000 - Collected writings
O 190,000 - Journals
O 200,000 - Macroeconomics
O 210,000 - Microeconomics
O 220,000 - Economic Thought and Methodology
Economics politics and public finances
O 230.000 - General
O 240.000 - Economics political
O 250.000 - Public Finance
Economics quantitative
O 260.000 - General
O 270.000 - Econometrics
O 280.000 - Statistics
O 290.000 - Economics mathematics
O 300.000 - research operational
P - First floor
SP - Floor leave. bibliography recommended
PP or LEG - Deposit
Human Geography
P 001.000 - Population
P 005.000 - Town planning
P 007.000 - General
Social organisation
P 011.000 - Human relations
P 016.000 - Planning
P 019.000 - General
Social information
P 024.000 - Spanish
P 026.000 - Foreign
P 031.000 - General
P 035.000 - Magazines
P 037.000
The collection specializing in architecture and some related disciplines such as design, art, mathematics, etc. is located at Main Library. See the exact location at Catalog.
Q - Architecture Collection
QQ or LEG - Deposit
bibliography recommended
Q 000.001
Q 001.000
reference letterWorks
Q 004.000
Theory and History of Architecture
Q 005.000
Q 010.000 - Architects' monographs and building works
Q 020.000 - Housing
Q 025.000 - Public buildings
Q 040.000 - Parks and gardens
Q 045.000
Q 055.000
Construction and Structures
Q 060.000
Town planning
Q 070.000 - History
Q 073.000 - Cities
Q 075.000 - Urban Theory
Q 077.000 - Environment
Q 079.000 - Sectorial topics
History and Art
Q 080.000 - History and Art Monographs
Q 085.000 - Aesthetics
Q 087.000 - Photography
Q 089.000 - Travel Guides
Exact Sciences
Q 100.000
Q 200.000
V - First floor .
SV - Floor leave. bibliography recommended.
VV or LEG - Deposit
V 005.000 General
V 055.000 Works from reference letter
V 060,000 Collected writings
V 100.000 Journals
Z -First plant
SZ -Plant leave. bibliography recommended.
Z 011.000 - Library Science
Z 015.000 - Journals
Z 016.000 - Documentation and Information
ZA - Fifth floor
ZB - ZC- Fourth floor
ZD - ZE - ZF- Third floor
ZG - ZL- Second floor
ZM - ZO- First floor
ZZ or LEG - Deposit
Z 001.000 - Encyclopaedias
Z 003.000 - Dictionaries
Z 005.000 - General works
Z 006.000 - Magazines
Z 007.000 - Repertories
Z 009.000 - General bibliographies
The symbols of the recommended bibliography follow the subject classification system but are preceded by the letter S, which indicates that they belong to that collection.
Some examples:
SA 092.030
SD 029.501
SZ 01.070
PLC.CENTRAL 000.001 - Entertainment and best-seller books in English
ENG 000.001 - English-language entertainment and best-selling books
KK 004.000 - Newspapers
KK 010.000 - Newspapers (large size)
K 003.000 - Magazines
ZK.000.001 - Newspaper Indexes
CDR.K. 000.001 - Digitised press and instructions from data about press
DVD.K. 000.001 - Press on DVD format
MF.K. 000.001 - Microfilmed Press
CAS 000.001 - Cassettes
CDA 000.001 - Sound compact discs
CDR 000.001 - CD-ROM
DIA 000.001 - Slides
DIS 000.001 - Vinyl records
DOR 000.001 - Computer diskettes
DVD 000.001 - DVD
DVD.R 000.001 - DVD-ROM
MF.m. 000.001 - Microfiche
MF.m. LEG 000.001 - Microfiche
MF 000.001 - Microfilm
USB 000.001 - report USB
VC 000.001 - Videocassette
APPENDIX 000.001 - Printed Annex Material
FA 130.000 - Incunabula
FA 131.000 - Postincunabula
FA 133.000 - 16th century
FA 136.000 - 17th century
FA 140.000 - 18th century
FA 240,000 - 19th century (up to 1835)
FA 400,000 - 19th century (1836-1900)
FA 300.000 - Magazines
FA.Foll 001.000 - Brochures
DIB 400.000 - Drawings
EST 301.000 - Prints
EST 304.500 - Book prints
MSS 000.001 - Manuscripts
FBJE 151.000 - Works on Opus Dei and its Founder
FBJE 161.000 - Works of the Founder
FBJE 166.000 - Magazines
FBJE.Foll 000.001 - Pamphlets
UN 001.000 - Books
UN 005.000 - Magazines
UN.Foll 000.001 - Brochures
CAR 900.000 - Cartography
FOT 700.000 - Photographs
GTA 000.001 - Large size books
PTA 000.001 - Small size books
PTA 005.000 - Small size magazines
RYV 129.000 - Rare and Valuable
RYV.Foll 000.001 - Rare and valuable brochures
Science Library
Thematic areas
AGR 001.000 - Magazines
AGR 002.000 - Books
ALERG 001.000 - Journals
ALERG 002.000 - Books
Clinical Analysis
ANAL.CLIN.(1) 001.000 - Magazines
ANAL.CLIN.(2) 001.000 - General
ANAL.CLIN.(3) 001.000 - Clinical Biochemistry
Inorganic Analysis
ANAL.IN 001.000 - Journals and Periodicals
ANAL.IN 002.000 - Books
Organic Analysis
ANAL.ORG 001.000 - Journals and Periodicals
ANAL.ORG 002.000 - Books
ANAT.(1) 001.000 - Magazines
ANAT.(2) 001.000 - Books
Anatomy Pathology
ANAT.PAT 001.000 - Magazines
ANAT.PAT 002.000 - Books
Anaesthesia and resuscitation
ANEST 001.000 - Journals
ANEST 002.000 - Books
ASTR 001.000 - Magazines
ASTR 002.000 - Books
BIO 001.000 - Journals
BIO 002.000 - Books
Here are placed the general science journals
BIOET 001.000 - Journals
BIOET 002.000 - Books
BIOFIS 001.000 - Journals
BIOFIS 002.000 - Books
BIOQUI.(1) 001.000 - Magazines
BIOQUI.(2) 001.000 - General
BIOQUI.(3) 001.000 - Plant Biochemistry
BIOQUI.(4) 001.000 - Biochemistry animal
BOT.(1) 001.000 - Magazines
BOT.(2) 001.000 - General
BOT.(3) 001.000 - Algae
BOT.(4) 001.000 - Fungi
BOT.(5) 001.000 - Cormophytes
BROM 001.000 - Journals
BROM 002.000 - Books
CANC 001.000 - Magazines
CANC 002.000 - Books
CARD 001.000 - Journals
CARD 002.000 - Books
CIB 001.000 - Journals
CIB 002.000 - Books
CIRC 001.000 - Magazines
CIRC 002.000 - Books
CIT.(1) 001.000 - Magazines
CIT.(2) 001.000 - General
CIT.(3) 001.000 - Plant Histology
CIT.(4) 001.000 - Animal and Human Histology
CIT.(5) 001.000 - Techniques
DERM 001.000 - Journals
DERM 002.000 - Books
DIG 001.000 - Journals
DIG 002.000 - Books
ECOL.(1) 001.000 - Magazines
ECOL.(2) 001.000 - General
ECOL.(3) 001.000 - Plant Ecology
ECOL.(4) 001.000 - Animal Ecology
Soil science
EDAF.(1) 001.000 - Magazines
EDAF.(2) 001.000 - General
EDAF.(3) 001.000 - Fertility
EDAF.(4) 001.000 - Soil Chemistry
EDAF.(5) 001.000 - Soil Biology
Electro physiology
ELEC.PHYSIO.(1) 001.000 - Magazines
ELEC.PHYSIO.(2) 001.000 - General
ELEC.PHYSIO.(3) 001.000 - Electroencephalography
ELEC.PHYSIO.(4) 001.000 - Electromyography
EMBR 001.000 - Journals
EMBR 002.000 - Books
Endocrinology (Clinical)
END 001.000 - Journals
END 002.000 - Books
ENF.(1) 001.000 - Magazines
N.D.(2) 002.000 - General
ENF.(3) 001.000 - Obstetrics and Gynaecology Nursing
N.D.(4) 001.000 - Children's nursing
N.D.(5) 001.000 - Medical-surgical nursing
ENF.(6) 001.000 - Geriatric Nursing
N.D.(7) 001.000 - Mental Health and Psychiatry in Nursing
N.D.(8) 001.000 - Community Nursing
N.D.(9) 001.000 - Family Nursing
ENF.(10) 001.000 - Palliative care nursing
N.D.(11) 001.000 - Other specialities in Nursing
ESTAD.(1) 001.000 - Magazines
ESTAD.(2) 001.000 - General
ESTAD.(3) 001.000 - Biometrics
FARM.(1) 001.000 - Magazines
FARM.(2) 001.000 - General
FARM.(3) 001.000 - Pharmacodynamics
Clinical Pharmacology
FARM.CLIN 001.000 - Magazines
FARM.CLIN 002.000 - Books
Galenic Pharmacy
FARM.GAL.(1) 001.000 - Magazines
FARM.GAL.(2) 001.000 - General
FARM.GAL.(3) 001.000 - Industrial Pharmacy
FARM.GAL.(4) 001.000 - Formularies and Pharmacopoeias
FARM.GNO 001.000 - Magazines
FARM.GNO 002.000 - Books
FIS.(1) 001.000 - Magazines
FIS.(2) 001.000 - General
FIS.(3) 001.000 - Thermodynamics and Thermology
FIS.(4) 001.000 - Electricity, Electronics and Magnetism
FIS.(5) 001,000 - Nuclear and Atomic Physics
FIS.(6) 001.000 - Optics
FIS.(7) 001,000 - Acoustics
Animal Physiology
FISIO.AN 001.000 - Magazines
FISIO.AN 002.000 - Books
Human Physiology
PHYSIO.HUM.(1) 001.000 - Magazines
PHYSIO.HUM.(2) 001.000 - General
Plant Physiology
FISIO.VEG 001.000 - Journals and Periodicals
FISIO.VEG 002.000 - Books
FITOPAT 001.000 - Journals and Periodicals
FITOPAT 002.000 - Books
GEN.(1) 001.000 - Magazines
GEN.(2) 001.000 - General
GEN.(3) 001.000 - Plant Genetics
GEN.(4) 001.000 - Genetics animal
GEN.(5) 001.000 - Genetics human
GEO.(1) 001.000 - Journals and Periodicals
GEO.(2) 001.000 - General
GEO.(3) 001.000 - Stratigraphy and Historical Geology
GEO.(4) 001.000 - Mineralogy and Crystallography
GEO.(5) 001.000 - Petrography
GEO.(6) 001.000 - Geophysics and Meteorology
GERON 001.000 - Journals
GERON 002.000 - Books
GIN 001.000 - Journals
GIN 002.000 - Books
HEM.(1) 001.000 - Journals
HEM.(2) 001.000 - General
EMH.(3) 001.000 - Haematological Morphology
EMH.(4) 001.000 - Haemostasis and Coagulation
EMH.(5) 001.000 - Haemotherapy
HIG 001.000 - Magazines
HIG 002.000 - Books
History of Science
HIS.CIEN.(1) 001.000 - Magazines
HIS.CIEN.(2) 001.000 - General
HIS.CIEN.(3) 001.000 - History of Medicine
Infections and Tropical Medicine
INFEC 001.000 - Journals
INFEC 002.000 - Books
INMUN 001.000 - Journals
INMUN 002.000 - Books
MAT 001.000 - Journals
MAT 002.000 - Books
MEC 001.000 - Magazines
MEC 002.000 - Books
Family Medicine
MED.FAM 001.000 - Journals
MED.FAM 001.000 - Books
Internal Medicine
MED.IN.(1) 001.000 - Journals
MED.IN.(2) 001.000 - General
MED.IN.(4) 001.000 - Nephrology and Urology
MED.IN.(5) 001.000 - Physiopathology
Here are placed the general Clinical journals
Forensic Medicine
MED.LEG.(1) 001.000 - Journals
MED.LEG.(2) 001.000 - General
MED.LEG.(3) 001.000 - Toxicology
Palliative Medicine
MED.PAL 001.000 - Journals
MED.PAL 002.000 - Books
Social Medicine
MED.SOC.(1) 001.000 - Magazines
MED.SOC.(2) 001.000 - General
MED.SOC.(3) 001.000 - Social attendance
MED.SOC.(4) 001.000 - Social prophylaxis
MED.SOC.(5) 001.000 - Organisation of hospitals
MED.SOC.(6) 001.000 - Medicine of work
MED.SOC.(7) 001.000 - management and Nursing administration
Emergency Medicine
MED.URG 001.000 - Journals and Periodicals
MED.URG 002.000 - Books
MICOL 001.000 - Journals
MICOL 002.000 - Books
MICR.(1) 001.000 - Magazines
MICR.(2) 001.000 - General
MICR.(3) 001.000 - Bacteriology
MICR.(4) 001,000 - Virology
MICR.(5) 001,000 - Protozoology
NERV 001.000 - Magazines
NERV 002.000 - Books
NEUM 001.000 - Journals
NEUM 002.000 - Books
NEUR 001.000 - Journals
NEUR 002.000 - Books
Nutrition and Dietetics
NUTR.(1) 001.000 - Magazines
NUTR.(2) 001.000 - General
NUTR.(3) 001.000 - Diets
NUTR.(4) 001.000 - Nutritional Education
NUTR.(5) 001.000 - Food Preparation Technology
ODONT 001.000 - Journals
ODONT 002.000 - Books
OFT 001.000 - Journals
OFT 002.000 - Books
OTOR 001.000 - Journals
OTOR 002.000 - Books
PALE.(1) 001.000 - Magazines
PALE.(2) 001.000 - General
PALE.(3) 001.000 - Palaeobotany
PALE.(4) 001.000 - Palaeozoology
PARASIT 001.000 - Journals
PARASIT 002.000 - Books
PED.(1) 001.000 - Magazines
PED.(2) 001.000 - General
PED.(3) 001.000 - Premature and newborns
PED.(4) 001.000 - Childhood Infections
PED.(5) 001.000 - Paediatrics
PED.(6) 001.000 - Medical Paediatrics
PED.(7) 001.000 - Surgical Paediatrics
Experimental Psychology
PSIC.EXP.(1) 001.000 - Magazines
PSIC.EXP.(2) 001.000 - General
PSIC.EXP.(3) 001.000 - Psychical Diagnosis
PSIC.EXP.(4) 001.000 - Applied Psychology
PSIQ.(1) 001.000 - Magazines
PSIQ.(2) 001.000 - General
PSIQ.(3) 001.000 - Psychotherapy
PSIQ.(4) 001.000 - Clinical Psychiatry
PSIQ.(5) 001.000 - Child psychiatry
PSIQ.(6) 001.000 - Psychosomatic medicine
PSIQ.(7) 001.000 - Social psychiatry
Chemistry Physics and Electrochemistry
QU.FI 001.000 - Journals
QU.FI 002.000 - Books
Chemistry Inorganic
QU.IN 001.000 - Journals
QU.IN 002.000 - Books
Chemistry Industrial
QU.INDUS 001.000 - Magazines
QU.INDUS 002.000 - Books
Chemistry Organic
QU.ORG 001.000 - Magazines
QU.ORG 002.000 - Books
QUIR.(1) 001.000 - Magazines
QUIR.(2) 001.000 - General
QUIR.(3) 001.000 - Plastic Surgery
RAD 001.000 - Journals
RAD 002.000 - Books
RADIOIS 001.000 - Journals
RADIOIS 002.000 - Books
Recovery and rehabilitation
RECUP 001.000 - Magazines
RECUP 002.000 - Books
Rheumatism and Locomotor
REUM 001.000 - Journals
REUM 002.000 - Books
Physical Therapy
TERAP 001.000 - Journals
TERAP 002.000 - Books
TOX 001.000 - Journals
TOX 002.000 - Books
TRAUM 001.000 - Journals
TRAUM 002.000 - Books
VET.(1) 001.000 - Magazines
VET.(2) 001.000 - General
VET.(3) 001.000 - Animal Pathology
VET.(4) 001.000 - Animal nutrition
ZOO.(1) 001.000 - Magazines
ZOO.(2) 001.000 - General
ZOO.(3) 001.000 - Coelenterates and Spongiariids
ZOO.(4) 001.000 - Worms
ZOO.(5) 001.000 - Molluscs
ZOO.(6) 001.000 - Echinoderms
ZOO.(7) 001.000 - Arthropods
ZOO.(8) 001.000 - Chordates
ZC (Section of reference letter in Science)
ZC.(1) 001.000 - Magazines
ZC.(2) 001.000 - Miscellaneous
ZC.(3) 001.000 - Dictionaries
ZC.(4) 001.000 - Encyclopaedias
ZC.(5) 001.000 - Bibliographies
ZC.(6) 001.000 - Repertories
ZC.(7) 001.000 - Library Science
ZC.(8) 001.000 - Scientific and medical Education
ZC.(9) 001.000 - Legislation and Standardisation
ZC.(10) 001.000 - bibliography Opus Dei
call number preceded by the letter D. (For example: D.EDAF.(2) 001.051, D.MED.IN.(1) 001.002 , etc.)
LEG.C 000.001 - Legacies
The symbols of the recommended bibliography follow the subject classification system but are preceded by the letter S, which indicates that they belong to that collection.
S.ANAT.(2) 001.100
S.ZOO.(2) 001.019
PLC 000.001 - Entertainment books and best-sellers in English
ENG.C 000.001 - Entertainment and best-selling books in English
CAS.C - Cassettes
DOR.C - Diskettes
VC.C - Videocassettes
VD.C - Videodiscs
APPENDIX.C - Printed annexed material
GTA.C 000.001 - Large-size books
PTA.C 000.001 - Small books
LEG.C.Foll 000.001 - Booklets
Service point at the Architecture School
The collection specializing in architecture and some related disciplines such as design, art, mathematics, etc. is located in the Central Libraries and the recommended bibliography at Service point at the School of Architecture. See the exact location at Catalog.
Q - Architecture Collection
QQ or LEG - Repository
bibliography recommended
Q 000.001
Q 001.000
reference letterWorks
Q 004.000
Theory and History of Architecture
Q 005.000
Q 010.000 - Architects' monographs and building works
Q 020.000 - Housing
Q 025.000 - Public buildings
Q 040.000 - Parks and gardens
Q 045.000
Q 055.000
Construction and Structures
Q 060.000
Town planning
Q 070.000 - History
Q 073.000 - Cities
Q 075.000 - Urban Theory
Q 077.000 - Environment
Q 079.000 - Sectorial topics
History and Art
Q 080.000 - History and Art Monographs
Q 085.000 - Aesthetics
Q 087.000 - Photography
Q 089.000 - Travel Guides
Exact Sciences
Q 100.000
Q 200.000