The entrance hall of the Main Library, open to the public, hosts a permanent exhibition space whose theme is renewed three or four times a year. Many of the exhibitions are also reproduced online.
All exhibitions
Intertwined[More information].
The spirit of existence[More information].
Double-page spread [exhibition virtual].
1622, the canonization of five saints[Poster][Virtual exhibition].
Ornatus Mundi. Nature and design [exhibition virtual].
Egyptian treasures of the Matthews-Beyens family [exhibition virtual].
Information, propaganda and social discipline in the printing press guide: relations of events[Poster] [exhibition virtual].
Hobby horse: Joaquín Lorda and E. H. Gombrich [guide]
Malheridos. The footprint of time on the Library Services [Poster] [guide] [exhibition virtual].
The first circumnavigation of the World, 500 years[Poster][Virtual exhibition].
60 years teaching languages[Guide][Poster] [Materials].
Olympism in the tense truce between two wars (1920-1940).
From Tradition to Modernity: calligraphy by Tu Chung-Kao (Taiwan)[More information].
Instruments for creativity. Drawing and construction tools from the 17th to the 20th centuries: Atelier Joaquín Lorda Collection[Guide][Poster][Virtual exhibition].
The Altamira School: a milestone in the renewal of post-war Spanish art (1948-1952)[Guide][Poster].
The struggle for justice: Castile's first legislation for the Indies as a legal precedent for human rights[Guide][Poster][Virtual exhibition].
Francisco Suárez (1547-1617)[Guide][Poster][Virtual exhibition].
Human Rights: Intellectual Precedents[Guide][Poster][Virtual exhibition].
1917-2017. On the centenary of the Russian Revolution[Guide][Poster].
Cervantes and Shakespeare, a tribute[Guide][Poster][Virtual exhibition].
Heritage from the East: A Portuguese Egyptian Collection[Guide][Poster].
Medicine and music through time. (Humanities)[Guide][Poster][Virtual exhibition].
Santa Teresa, entre las artes y las letras[Guide][Poster][Virtual exhibition].
Medicine and music through time. (Science)[Guide][Poster][Virtual exhibition].
Los Bañales: the rediscovery of a Roman city[Guide][Poster] [History panel][Rediscovery panel][Important landmarks panel][Video].
Cervantes, the Exemplary Novels and the narrative of his time[Guide][Virtual exhibition].
The Corpus Iuris Canonici: the consolidation of the Church's legal system[Guide][Virtual exhibition].
The value of thought[Guide][Virtual exhibition].
La prattica della perspettiva[Guide] [Virtual exhibition].
The Three Wise Men: between texts and art[Guide][Poster][Panels].
Comedy, dream and humour. Víctor Ruiz Iriarte (1912-1982)[Guide][Poster].
From Alchemy to Chemistry[Guide][Poster][Virtual exhibition].
The Constitution of Cadiz. A reformed Spain[Guide][Virtual exhibition].
The Nativity Scene: History of a tradition[Guide][Panels].
60 years of the University of Navarra[Guide].
Navarre 1512: Conquest and Incorporation[Guide][Poster][Virtual exhibition].
1212: Las Navas de Tolosa[Guide][Poster][Virtual exhibition].
Pedro de Ribadeneyra, Scriptor[Guide][Poster][Virtual exhibition].
Food, cooking and health: from the Golden Age to the Enlightenment[Guide][Poster][Virtual exhibition].
Egyptian sacred animals: a journey into the secrets of mummification.[Guide]
Spanish America: Bicentennial of the Independences[Guide][Poster][Virtual exhibition].
América escrita: fondos americanistas en Bibliotecas Universitarias Españolas (in collaboration with REBIUN).
Old science books[Guide].
Delighting teaches: a lesson in Emblematics[Guide][Virtual exhibition].
Navarro Villoslada y la Imprenta Nacional (1756-1808)[Guide] [Poster][Virtual exhibition].
Marcello Malpighi and his Anatome Plantarum[Virtual exhibition].
The School of Salamanca and its intellectual environment[Guide][Poster][Virtual exhibition].
Joaquín Ibarra y Marín: impresor de su magestad[Guide] [Poster][Virtual exhibition].
The art of writing[Guide][Virtual exhibition].
Las Siete Partidas[Guide][Virtual exhibition].
Vignola 1507-2007[Guide][Virtual exhibition].
Speculum Orbis Terrarum[Guide][Virtual exhibition].
Works by José María Iribarren[Guide].
Saint Francis Xavier: The Clearest Sun of the East[Guide][Virtual exhibition].
Editorial bindings of the 19th century[Guide].
Encuadernaciones artísticas[Guide][Virtual exhibition].
Don Quixote at Library Services [Guide].
Chronicle of the Kings of Navarre[Virtual exhibition].
Theatre of the orb of the earth[Virtual exhibition].
Third and fourth book of architecture by Sebastián Serlio[Virtual exhibition].
Academic editions of Don Quixote[Virtual exhibition].
Cartilla para aprender a dibujar[Virtual exhibition].
Tota pulchra[Virtual exhibition].
Anatome corporis humani[Virtual exhibition].
A gloria et alabança[Virtual exhibition].
Evangelicae historiae imagines[Virtual exhibition].
Maria Calonge
macalonge@unav.esMain Library, seminar 4D
University of Navarra
31009 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948 425 600 Ext. 802488