PhD dissertations
The professors, researchers and students of the University of Navarra can deposit in Dadun the PhD dissertations defended at the University.
How to deposit PhD dissertations in Dadun
If you want to deposit a PhD dissertation in Dadun, follow these steps:
1. Complete in duplicate the contract for the assignment of reproduction rights:
a) Fill in the box "embargo period", if you want the whole text to be released on a specific date. Only the file will be visible.
b) Leave the checkbox "embargo period" blank, if you want your PhD dissertation to be visible immediately.
2. Send the signed contract to Dadun's staff via mail or via administrative office from your School.
3. We take care of including PhD dissertation in Dadun and Dialnet.
4. Once the PhD dissertation has been deposited, we will send you a copy of the contract by post and inform you of the permanent URL and the DOI assigned.
Lucía Palacios Merino
University of Navarra
31009 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948 425 600 Ext. 803416
Support to deposit documents in Dadun