Vatican secret archives
Digitised collection of the Vatican Registers and the Registers of Supplications. The first 523 issues of the Vatican Registers, covering the pontificates from John VIII (872-882) to Pius II (1458-1464), are available on CD-ROM.
How to consult the collection
The works will be requested through Unika. Once the notice of your availability is received through e-mail, you will go to Main Library for your enquiry.
CD-ROMs are excluded from loan and should therefore be consulted at the Library.
All records are classified at call number CDR 001.232. Each bibliographic record corresponds to the documents of the same pope.
How to search in Unika
The collection is searchable:
- By titlle, by entering the terms "Archivum Secretum Vaticanum". The complete series is obtained, arranged alphabetically by the name of the pope in Latin.
- For keyword, introducing "Archivum Secretum Vaticanum".
The documents of a particular pope can be located by searching:
- By author, by entering the name of the pope you wish to consult at Spanish .
- By titlel, entering the pope's name in Latin.
- By subject, by entering the name of the pope at Spanish.
John VIII (872-882) Reg. Vat. 1.
Gregory VII (1073-1085) Reg. Vat. 2-3.
Innocent III (1198-1216) Reg. Vat. 4-8A.
Honorius III (1216-1227) Reg. Vat. 9-20.
Innocent IV (1243-1254) Reg. Vat. 21-23.
Alexander IV (1254-1261) Reg. Vat. 24-25A.
Urban IV (1261-1264) Reg. Vat. 26-29.
Urban IV, Clement IV, Gregory X, Innocent V, Hadrian V, John XXI, Nicholas III, Martin IV, Honorius IV (1261-1287) Reg. Vat. 26-29ª.
Clement IV (1265-1268) Reg. Vat. 30-36.
Gregory X el. 1271, cons. 1272-1276) Reg. Vat. 37.
John XXI (1276-1277) Reg. Vat. 38.
Nicholas III (1277-1280) Reg. Vat. 39-40.
Martin IV (1281-1285) Reg. Vat. 41-42.
Honorius IV (1285-1287) Reg. Vat. 43.
Nicholas IV (1288-1292) Reg. Vat. 44-46.
Nicholas IV, Celestine V, Boniface VIII (1288-1303) Reg. Vat 46A.
Boniface VIII (el. 1294, cons. 1295-1303) Reg. Vat 47-50.
Benedict XI (1303-1304) Reg. Vat 51.
Clement V (1305-1314) Reg. Vat 52-61.
Clement V, John XXII, Benedict XII, Clement VI (1305-1352) Reg. Vat 62.
John XXII (1316-1334) Reg. Vat 63-117.
Nicholas V antip. (1328-1330) Reg. Vat 118.
Benedict XII (el. 1334, cons. 1335-1342) Reg. Vat 119-136.
Clement VI (1342-1352) Reg. Vat 137-218.
Innocent VI (1352-1362) Reg. Vat 219-244N.
Urban V (1362-1370) Reg. Vat 245-262.
Gregory XI (el. 1370, cons. 1371-1378) Reg. Vat 263-290.
Clement VII, antip. (1378-1394) Reg. Vat 291-309.
Urban VI (1378-1389) Reg. Vat 210-312.
Boniface IX (1389-1404) Reg. Vat 313-320.
Benedict XIII, antip. (1394-1423) Reg. Vat 321-332.
Innocent VII (1404-1406) Reg. Vat 333-334.
Gregory XII (1406-1415) Reg. Vat 335-338.
Alexander V antip. (1409-1410) Reg. Vat 339.
John XXIII antip. (1410-1415) Reg. Vat 340-346.
Urban VI, Boniface IX, Innocent VII, John XXIII, Martin V (1378-1431) Reg. Vat 347.
Martin V (1417-1431) Reg. Vat 348-359.
Eugene IV (1431-1447) Reg. Vat 360-384.
Nicholas V (1447-1455) Reg. Vat 385-435.
Callistus III (1455-1458) Reg. Vat 436-467.
Pius II (1458-1464) Reg. Vat 468-523.