Dadun collects some of the TFG and TFM in open access carried out during the academic course.
How the TFG and TFM deposit is made
Dadun's staff is in charge of the deposit of Final Projects Degree and Master's theses (TFG/TFM). In order to deposit a TFG/TFM at Dadun:
Each School will offer students who have obtained a A in their TFG or TFM the possibility of depositing it in Dadun.
The administrative office of each School will make sure that the authors of the papers to be deposited sign the Authorization for the publication of Degree / Master's these in the Institutional repository of the University of Navarra (Dadun). The School will send to Dadun (Main Library) the signed authorizations, as well as the pdf of the work.
The TFG/TFM will be uploaded to repository before the end of September of the year in which they are submitted.
The authors of the works deposited in Dadun can send apply for to the Libraries a certificate accrediting the deposit by sending an e-mail to
María Salomé Eslava
University of Navarra
31009 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948 425 600 Ext. 805673
Support to deposit documents in Dadun