Service Point (School of Architecture)
schedule today
The Service Point at School of Architecture is a conference room located on the leave floor of the School building, from where advice will be offered by the staff librarian.
It has a selection of the recommended bibliography for the subjects, as well as a self-checkout machine, return box and enquiry.
A specialised librarian provides personalised attention from Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 10:30 am.
Intercenter loans
We bring you the books and audiovisuals that are in the Central and Science libraries by requesting them through Catalog. You will be able to pick them up at the Point of Attention at School of Architecture.
Digitized documents request
If you need to consult a article or book chapter that is only in the printed collection of the Library Services for teaching purposes and research, ask us to send you a digitalised copy.
loan for the teaching
Teachers at School of Architecture can apply for send a selection of books and magazines for use at subject for a few days, by contacting contact the librarian at the Service Point.
A selection of bibliography recommended for each subject and a display of new bibliographic releases are available at the Attention Point. The collection specializing in Architecture and design can be found at Main Library.
Resources on Architecture and design and tips on how to search for specialised information.
Maria Alecha Barbarin
biblioteca@unav.esEscuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura building, ground floor leave
31009 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948 425 600 Ext. 802708
+34 948 425 600 Ext. 803372