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Bibliothek der deutschen Literatur


Collection of German literary and other scientific works (especially history, Philosophy, theology, musicology, political science, natural sciences and medicine) published between 1650 and 1900, some of which are by authors of earlier periods.

The collection consists of more than 19,000 microfiches containing works corresponding to 27,000 volumes, with an approximate issue of 2,500 authors. They contain the works referred to in Der Taschengoedeke, an authoritative source of early German editions, compiled in 1924 by Leopold Hirschberg.

In addition to the original texts of the first editions, early German translations of foreign works, particularly from France, Italy, Great Britain and the United States, are also reproduced.

The project of the microfiche edition of the Bibliothek der deutschen Literatur was started in 1990 by the publishing house K. G. Saur with the partnership of the Kulturstiftung der Länder.

How to consult the collection

The microfiches will be requested through Unika. Once the notice of your availability has been received via e-mail, it will be sent to Main Library to consult.

The Library has a microfiche reader that can be used to consult the collection.

How to search in Unika

All microfiches have the call number MF.m.H.000.074. In each record, following the call number, a letter and issue are included to locate the microfiche in the collection as a whole.

At Unika you can filter search results by author or title.


Bibliothek der deutschen Literatur