Scientific publications
University of Navarra professors and researchers can deposit their articles, monographs and other scientific publications in Dadun.
Deposit scientific publications in Dadun
Before depositing a previously published document in Dadun you should:
Consult the journal's editorial policies in Sherpa/Romeo or Dulcinea. These aredatabases that collect permissions from scientific journal editors.
In the case ofbooks or book chapters, consult the policy of publisher on their website or contact them to obtain their authorisation and, finally, send it to
Once you have obtained permission from publishers you will be able to deposit your document in Dadun. To do so, you must first send an email to apply for to gain access to Subsequently, your document will be reviewed by the Library staff and will become part of the collection.
Consult the guide with the steps to deposit your documents in Dadun.
Consent to deposit research in Dadun
All researchers at the University of Navarra are encouraged to sign the Consent to Deposit Research in Dadun to secure their copyright in the open access environment. You hereby authorise the University to include in Dadun any of your documents that may be open access.
Modifying data in a document
If you wish to modify any of the data of a document that is in Dadun, please contact us via email
Email templates for apply for permits to the publishers
If you are interested in depositing a document in Dadun and you do not know the publication policy of publishers, you can send an e-mail to ask for information. From Library we propose two examples.
Estimado colega:
Por el presente quiero solicitar autorización para depositar en Dadun (Depósito Académico Digital de la Universidad de Navarra) mis artículos publicados en la revista [NOMBRE DE LA REVISTA], que diriges.
Dadun es el depósito institucional destinado a reunir, conservar y difundir a través del acceso abierto los documentos resultantes de la actividad académica y científica de la Universidad de Navarra, y por tanto una ayuda para promover el acceso a la investigación que realizamos, lo cual también contribuye a dar más visibilidad a las revistas que acogen nuestros trabajos.
En espera de tu respuesta afirmativa aprovecho la ocasión para enviarte un cordial saludo.
Dear colleague:
My University has implemented an open access digital repository of papers and documents resulting from the research and institutional activity of its staff members.
The name of this repository is DADUN and can be accessed at
I would like to ask for permission to upload to DADUN the articles I have published in the past in [NAME OF JOURNAL].
If needed I would appreciate if you can pass through this mail to the publisher. In the hope of your conformity.
Receive my best regards.
Lucia Palacios
Sciences Library
University of Navarra
31009 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948 425 600 Ext. 803416
Manuals for depositing documents in Dadun