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Loan of books


Who can borrow

Members of the University of Navarra (Master's students, faculty and staff).

How to borrow books

Up to five works can be taken at loan simultaneously. All materials have a 7-day loan period (non-renewable). The LEA collection has a 60-day loan period and is automatically renewed for up to 120 days, as long as they have not been reserved by another Username.

Public holidays, Saturdays and Sundays are not counted and are never set as a return date.

How refund books

Books must be returned in the self-checkout machine and then deposited in the drop box next to the counter before the return date expires.

Check works on loan

In My Account option you can consult the works on loan and the date of return.

Request works from other University libraries

For apply for the submission of books and works from other University libraries enquiry the information on. loan Intercenter.

The loan of these works is subject to the specific rules of the Library Services to which they belong.

They will be collected at the counter of the Library Services of the campus in Madrid.

apply for works from other libraries outside of the University

If you need to consult a document that is not available in the libraries of the University of Navarra, we will help you locate it in other libraries and we will send it to you through the service of loan Interlibrary .

These works will be collected at the counter of the Library Services of the campus in Madrid.



Rocío Serrano


Rocío Serrano

1st floor Alumni Building
Marquesado de Santa Marta, 3

28010 Madrid, Spain

+34 948 425 600 Ext. 850054

