Recommended bibliography
The Library Services contains the manuals of the recommended bibliography of all the master's degrees offered at campus in Madrid.
Electronic collections
Students, professors and staff of the University of Navarra have access to the instructions of data, electronic journals, articles and e-books subscribed to by the Library Service, as well as to numerous free digital resources.
They can access them from inside and outside campus with their University access credentials.
The Library Services has a large collection of literature books of all genres (narrative, poetry, historical novels, crime novels, biographies, classics, etc.).
They are marked with the call number LEA.
Classification system
The classification system financial aid to locate the books on the shelves and to identify them on the Catalog through the call number:
ARQ 000.001 - Architecture
DER 000.001 - Law
COM 000.001 - Communication
E & E 000.001- Economics and business
FAR 000.001 - Pharmacy
HUM 000.001 - Humanities
ING 000.001 - Engineering
LEA - Leisure reading
MOD 000.001 - Fashion
GT 000.001 - Large Size
Rocío Serrano
1st floor Alumni Building
Marquesado de Santa Marta, 3
28010 Madrid, Spain
+34 948 425 600 Ext. 850054
Access to electronic resources.