Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer's bibliographic collection
The Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer Bibliographical Collection is made up of works published by Josemaría Escrivá and the bibliographical production on his person and on Opus Dei. The collection includes first editions, revised editions and translations into all languages.
The selection of the works in this collection is carried out exhaustively by the Study Center of study Josemaría Escrivá (CEJE), in an attempt to include all the publications on these topics.
The collection also includes pamphlets on a variety of subjects and from a wide range of sources, including those published by the corporate works of Opus Dei, homilies of Saint Josemaría and canonisation masses, among others.
It also has a collection of journals, including Romana, Studia et Documenta and two collections of Fact Sheets on the processes of beatification and canonisation of St. Josemaría and other members of Opus Dei.
Other works included in the collection are audio books and Braille versions of its publications.
How to search in Unika
The works in this collection can be found by searching Unika under call number FBJE. A copy of some of these works can also be found under the call number A 151.000, for works on Opus Dei and its founder, A 161.000, for works by St. Josemaría, and A 166.000, for journals.
How to consult the collection
The works with call number A 151,000, A 161,000 and A 166,000 are located on the fifth floor of Main Library and are consulted in the same way as the rest of the collection.
Works with call number FBJE are searched for at Unika and selected through Request option. These works will be consulted at the Special collection room (Main Library, seminar 4D) from 8 am to 3 pm.
Requests will be served every hour between 10:15 a.m. and 1:15 p.m., provided they have been requested at least 30 minutes in advance.
A maximum of 10 volumes can be apply for . If you exceptionally need to consult more, please ask the librarian.