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Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


The Projects, Groups and Lines of research of the School of Education and Psychology, respond to current relevant problems, both from an Educational and Psychological perspective.

They aim to provide analysis and scientific evidence on various topics, in line with the founding goal of this university. 

Many of these activities of research are carried out in coordination with other centres and researchers of the University of Navarra, such as the Clínica Universidad de Navarra (CUN), the research center Applied Medicine (CIMA), the high school of Social Sciences (ICS) or the Science Unit of data (UCD).

enlace Programa de Doctorado en Educación y Psicología

Nuestros grupos de investigación


Aplicaciones anidadas

Procesos psicólogicos y de la salud tit

Psychological processes in Education, health and organizations.

7_Carrusel_video_Procesos Psicológicos en Educación y Salud


Educación, Ciudadanía y Carácter tit

EducationCitizenship and Character

7_Carrusel_video_Educación, Ciudadanía y Carácter

boton Educación, Ciudadania y Carácter

Neuroaprendizaje y Desarrollo tit

Neurodevelopment and Learning

7_Carrusel_video_Neurodesarrollo y Aprendizaje

boton Neurodesarrollo y aprendizaje

Aplicaciones anidadas

Grupos de investigación bloque






Education, Citizenship and Character (GIECC)

  • Education and citizenship

  • Character education

Neurodevelopment and Learning

  • development General line: development and learning disorders: Procedural Learning Disorder (PLD)/Coordination Disorder (CDD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Social speech Disorder (SAD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Specific Learning Disorder in reading/dyslexia.

  • Specific line of research : detection, assessment, diagnosis and intervention in TAP/TDC.

  • Education Detection of Primary School Children with Coordination/Procedural Disorder development using the FUNMOVES instrument. Ministry of Science and Innovation. 2021-2024.

  • Psycho-pedagogical intervention in Procedural Learning Disorder: training in motor skills and the cognitive function of central coherence. PIUNA. 2018-2021.

Voices of Innovation and Creativity in Education and Society (VOICES)

  • Activate a creative and healthy school through the arts: music, dance, drama, plastic and visual arts.

  • Education heritage in intercultural society: identity staff and social identity in artistic narratives

  • project AME: Arts, Museums and Education. Factors core topic of the significant experience with the work of art in the children and youth population that visit museums or art centres. PIUNA. 2020-2021.

Psychological processes in Education, health and organizations.

  • Psychological variables in health and disease processes

  • Psychological variables in educational processes

Excellence in educational organisations

  • Improvement of the teaching-learning processes

  • Leadership and autonomy in schools

  • trainingbased on evidence from managers, teachers and students

  • Study of the effectiveness of a system of teaching-learning of the languagein Primary School that integrates the teachingof thinking and the workcooperative: cognitive and non-cognitive variables. PIUNA 2015-2018.

Infinity: family, love and sexuality

  • Lifestyles and interpersonal relationships in adolescents

  • Background to successful marriages

  • Psychotherapy

Mind-Brain Group

  • The group proposes an interdisciplinary approach to human action, involving Philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, physics or biology, among other fields of knowledge. Some of its lines of interest are the study of human habits, decision-making, and how both processes are affected in pathological conditions, such as addiction or ADHD.

design statistical and data analysis (StatData)

  • Statistical techniques for Big Data processing.

  • Statistical modelling.

  • design of experiments

  • Experimental Designs in research Industrial Health and Treatment of Large Quantities of data. State Research Agency. 2021-2025.

  • development and validation of a digital tool based on artificial intelligence for the detection of relevant scientific publications in decision making related to Covid-19 project "Covid Content Curation". Government of Navarra. department de Salud. 2021.

Noticias sobre investigación


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