Access documents
Location and submission of documents
Library staff shall provide and facilitate access to documents by users who cannot access the Library or cannot search for these by themselves.
Library staff will carry out search and consultations for users who cannot do so themselves.
Special duration loan
Users registered with the Disability Support Unit will have special loan conditions, depending on their needs.
Remote lending
Users registered with the Disability Support Unit or with duly justified long stays in hospital can apply for the loan by telephone or by e-mail.
In such cases, another duly authorised person or a person with an authorised card in his or her name may collect or submit borrowed documents or apply for their delivery by post or other alternative means.
Bookings and renewals
Users registered with the Disability Support Unit or with duly justified long stays in hospital may make reservations and renewals by telephone or via the web for those copies that allow it.
Intercenter loan
Users registered with the Disability Support Unit can ask the librarian who attends the counter to send a book that is on another Library Services through the service of Intercenter loan.
Bibliographical information
People registered with the Unit for the Care of People with Disabilities can contact apply for financial aid for information and bibliographic searches with a librarian specialised in their area.
The staff at Library Services will provide visually impaired users with the digitalization and photocopying of the documents they require, respecting the legislation in force at subject on intellectual property.