Texts, articles and reviews with the label: 'darwinism'.

The essential role of disability in the evolution and growth of the human being
summaryIt is often argued that the best biological performance favors the species. In humans, caring for the weak, which seems to go in the opposite direction, accompanies our success in nature. In addition, it improves the happiness and development staff of caregivers.
Author: Javier Bernácer
Argument of design and fifth way of St. Thomas
summaryThe so-called argument of design is often identified with the fifth way of St. Thomas. However, they are different: both start from the natural order, but they focus on a different order subject , different subject of finality, different causality, and reach different conclusions: they are not comparable.
Author: Santiago Collado
Lesson 2019: Fighting against religion in the name of science. Has the battle been won?
summaryThe paper addresses the Degree inherent conflict between religious faith and science; the relative importance of science in processes of secularisation; and the complexity of the relationship between scientific thought and religious belief. It concludes by examining three scientific issues of contemporary interest.
Author: John Hedley Brooke.
The Science-Faith relationship as told to young people
summaryThe opposition between science and faith is currently accepted. In order to avoid this false collective imaginary, it is necessary to educate and disseminate a reasoned understanding of science and religion. The speaker explains the arguments and experiences he handles in his teaching and dissemination to young people.
Author: Enrique Solano Márquez.
The discussion of the argument of the design
summaryOrder in classical philosophy sample the existence of an ordering intelligence. Modern materialism makes order and purpose disappear from the explanation of nature, in evolution with Darwin. The movement of the intelligent design tries to recover these dimensions.
Author: Felipe Aizpún
summarySummarises the book Origins of Man. It starts from the biological understanding of the human being, to look for the origin of culture and other peculiarities: affectivity, conscience and freedom. The naturalistic vision of man is not able to explain the origin of these facets.
Author: Francisco Rodríguez Valls
God's creation or blind evolution of the subject?
Author: Juan Luis Lorda
Can philosophy be a natural science? On the project naturalisation of reason
summaryNaturalised epistemology is currently widespread: the project of substituting philosophy for the natural sciences. It claims that we humans have a single reason that works well in the natural sciences. The rest of the sciences must be a continuum with them. Is it possible to fulfil this goal?
Author: Enrique Moros
Brief historical overview of the position of the Church's Magisterium on evolutionism
summaryArticle that briefly describes the interventions of the Magisterium of the Church on biological evolution, focusing on those of the end of the 19th century and, in the 20th century, on those of Pius XII, John Paul II and Benedict XVI.
Author: Santiago Collado
Science and Transcendence: Intelligent Design
Author: Santiago Collado
Comments on the new faith of materialism
summaryMaterialism, a) Naive realism, b) Consumerism, c) Dialectical materialism, d) Problems of the scientific method, the creation of hypotheses, the scope of the method, e) Superstitions, natural selection, the appearance of life, artificial intelligence, additional comments, 2. Sterility of materialism, 3.
Author: Atilio González Hernández. Telecommunications engineer
summaryInterview on the origin of the current conception of the relationship between science and faith, modern scientism and faith-evolution compatibility.
summaryBehe successfully dispels the myth that neo-Darwinism has everything under control in explaining the origin of life and of the various biochemical systems needed for various life forms. He attempts to find theoretical grounds for why such an explanation could never be forthcoming from that quarter. In the end, however, he admits he cannot provide such. He is to be commended for stimulating re-examination of the design argument, as well as for doing a marvelous job of putting before our eyes the design of biochemical system, systems which Darwin and Paley did not even know existed. In the final analysis, however, it seems at very least premature to rest one's case for God's existence on tiny gaps.
Author: Marie I. George (St. John's University, New York)
Darwin and the intelligent design
summary: review of the work by Francisco J. Ayala: Darwin y el design inteligente. Creacionismo, cristianismo y evolucionismo. Alianza publishing house: Madrid, 2007. 231 pp. Includes an extensive summary of the work.
Author: Carlos A. Marmelada
Darwin and the theory of evolution
summaryBrief biography of Darwin, history of the voyage of the H.M.S. Beagle, the findings, the publication of The Origin of Species, and the subsequent reactions until the elaboration of the synthetic theory.
Author: Carlos A. Marmelada
design Intelligent: a new challenge to Darwin?
summary design A brief explanation of the history of the Intelligent Design movement, and its impact on Darwinian evolutionary thesis .
Author: Santiago Collado González
summary summary of Darwinism from Darwin's theses to the present day. Criticism of Darwinist approaches, on questions of method and from the scientific point of view. Proposal of an alternative way.
Author: Antonio Pardo
The Origin of Life and the Evolution of Species: Science and Interpretations
summaryThe scientific study of the beginnings of the world has in recent historical times raised the biological questions of the origin of life and the evolution of species (understood as the passage from one species to another by generation). In addition to the purely scientific problems they raise (such as the difficulty of establishing solid hypotheses), these studies are often interpreted beyond their possibilities; this article examines some of these interpretations, such as the solidity of our knowledge, chance in evolutionary processes, the struggle in nature, or the global vision of nature.
Author: Antonio Pardo
The Vatican and evolution. The reception of Darwinism on the file of the Table of Contents
summaryThe opening of file of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, in 1988, has given access to the existing documentation on the first reaction of the Vatican authorities to the theory of evolution. This article presents the research initiated by Mariano Artigas in 1999 to determine the attitude of the Congregation of the Index towards Catholic authors who defended the compatibility between evolution and Christian doctrine, and its main results. Despite the fact that Catholic theology severely criticised evolutionism, the authorities of the Holy See maintained a certain prudence, which avoided a frontal meeting between evolution and Catholic doctrine.
Author: Rafael A. Martínez
Ultimately the science-faith tension must be resolved at the level of the person himself
summaryZenit interview with Rafael A. Martínez, where he comments on the main issues of friction between science and faith (especially creation and evolution), and how they are resolved in the person.
Author: Rocío Lancho García
summaryCardinal Schönborn's attack on Darwinism by opposing God's providence to the concept of chance in evolution.
Author: Christoph Schönborn
summaryArticle on the compatibility between evolution and belief in God, with references to the 'Schömborg affair' and the Magisterium of the Church.
Author: Cardinal Avery Dulles
Intelligent Design: the creation of the cosmos
summary summary historical of the beginnings of the Intelligent Design movement and summary of its main postulates.
Author: Santiago Collado González
Is intelligent design really science?
summaryExplanation of basic concepts on Intelligent Design: scientific approach, theological considerations, evolution but not Darwinism.
Author: Michael Cook
Evolution today. Evolutionism: the fact and its implications.
summaryA popular commentary on the content of Ayala's book. It has the virtuality of exposing current theories although it is somewhat blunt in its scientific optimism, and leaves some important philosophical questions barely sketched out.
Author: Mariano Artigas
The Church and evolutionism: the case of Raffaello Caverni
summaryIn this article unpublished documents are brought to light about a book that was condemned in 1878 by the Congregation of the Index because it argued that evolutionism and Christianity were compatible.
Author: Mariano Artigas and Rafael Martínez
summaryThe present article is an update of the status quaestionissof the origin of the human being in the light of the most recent anthropological and genetic research data. It reviews the latest contributions of science and the current state of research, as well as a philosophical reading of the data in the light of the catholic doctrine on the origin of man.
Author: Rubén Herce
summaryA work in which, after three technical chapters by Daniel Turbón, Mariano Artigas explains the issues in relation to faith and religion.
Author: Mariano Artigas and Daniel Turbón
Overview of discussion creationism-evolutionism in the last hundred years in the USA
summary: Historical context of the discussion creationism-evolutionism in the last hundred years in the USA; explanation of the causes of its polemic character; presentation of the design Intelligent, comparing it with the classic discussion .
Author: Santiago Collado González
Relationship between the theological doctrine of creation and biological theories of evolution
summaryThe fundamental elements of the Darwinian explanation of evolution, the Christian doctrine of creation, its philosophical explanation and its compatibility are examined.
Author: Santiago Collado González
Working session on the origin of man
summarySpeeches by Daniel Turbón on paleoanthropology, José Ignacio Murillo on gnoseology, Antonio Pardo on synthetic theory and Luis Echarte on mental phenomena and evolution.
On the origin of human intelligence
summaryThe brain as an organ of understanding, Can we know scientifically how human intelligence arose, Darwin or Wallace?
Author: Carlos A. Marmelada
summaryThe beginning of the theory of evolution, the Darwin/Wallace theory of evolution, discussion around Darwin's theory, the principles of genetics, synthetic theory, molecular biology and genetics, some scientific questions debated around the theory of evolution, selectionism versus neutralism, punctuationism versus gradualism, notion of species, importance of natural selection in evolution, more we know, more debates, philosophical reflection and theory of evolution, theory of evolution and evolutionism, evolution and finality, bibliography.
Author: Santiago Collado González
summaryExplanation of the compatibility of the idea of the Intelligent Design movement with Christian faith and Darwinism.
Author: Michael Cook
summaryThe article explains the usual confusion between evolution and Darwinism, the position of the creationism, and the errors of the Intelligent Design solution to conciliate these arguments.
Author: Stephen M. Barr