
21 June 2005


Saint Francis Xavier as a sign of identity for Navarre

D. Eduardo Morales Solchaga


Saint Francis Xavier as a sign of identity for Navarre

The aim of the talk was to reflect on the importance of Saint Francis Xavier as one of the most characteristic signs of identity of Navarre during the Modern Age. First of all, the reasons that led him to be considered as such were introduced, followed by a discussion of the moments after his death and his growing diffusion throughout the Catholic world. This was followed by an explanation of the processes of beatification, which took place in 1619, and canonisation in 1622, together with St. Ignatius, St. Teresa and St. Isidore.

The importance of the Novena of St. Francis Xavier, popularised after the miraculous cure of Father Mastrilli, and with many editions, both in Europe and in the viceroyalty, was then recounted. The importance of the confraternities in Navarre was also highlighted, with the oldest being that of Uztárroz, founded in 1676, and that of Lesaca being the only confraternity of a pious nature established in Navarre.

After this, a meticulous explanation was given of the process of elevation of the saint to board of trusteesof Navarre, explaining all its intricacies, and the dispute with San Fermín, which ended in 1656, with the proclamation of the bipatronage by Alexander VII.

Finally, the iconography of Francis Xavier was discussed, i.e. the way in which he is represented in the arts, both universally and in a purely Navarrese context. The different types were explained, such as the missionary preaching or baptising, the pilgrim, as coadjutor of St. Ignatius, as patron saintof Navarre together with San Fermín, equated with the gods of Antiquity...