
report 2015


As in previous years, we at Chair of Navarrese Heritage and Art have wished to continue to be present in all those forums and places where an intervention or a cycle has been requested, always with the conviction that the best way to preserve our rich cultural heritage is its knowledge. For the eleventh consecutive year, the interest shown by all those people and institutions in our cultural heritage has been the greatest incentive to continue working on the organisation of the programme of activities which, as throughout these eleven years, have the goal aim of making known in order to value and contextualise the material and immaterial testimonies of our past, always with the conviction of looking to the future without complexes, with pride in the past and with joy at what we have been able to enjoy in the present.

As in previous years, attendance has been very numerous for all the activities, and there are many courses in which many people have been unable to register due to the massive influx of participants. The topics that have been dealt with cover a wide range of heritage aspects for the sake of Education and awareness, following the recommendations of UNESCO and committee of Europe, which warn that the conservation and protection of heritage depends primarily on the Education at all levels, both in formal and non-formal teaching , recommending this function to public and educational administrations.

lecture series Dissemination and speech of cultural heritage
Re-editing the partnership of previous years, the Chair of Heritage and Art of Navarre, of the University of Navarre, together with Pamplona City Council, organised a series of a dozen conferences, a roundtable and a visit multidisciplinary to the parish of San Saturnino, under the title degree scroll Dissemination and speech of Cultural Heritage. All this took place on Wednesdays in February and March.

Starting from the general approach established in the cycle held in November 2014 graduate Patrimonio y speech. A framework of reference letter, the goal of the interventions focused on the different types of heritage, analysed through the institutions that deal with it and look after it, both in Pamplona and Navarre. The speakers focused their interventions on the speech to society of the heritage they have at their disposal position, explaining the principles governing the dissemination of heritage and the actions they have undertaken or plan to undertake to achieve this. All of this with the aim of making this heritage more accessible and appreciated by citizens, contributing to knowledge and raising social awareness as tools core topic for the conservation and protection of our cultural heritage.

The speakers included the directors of the file Real y General de Navarra (Félix Segura Urra) and of the file Municipal de Pamplona (Ana Hueso), the manager de Patrimonio bibliográfico de la Library Services de Navarra (Roberto San Martín Casi), the archaeologist Carmen Jusué Simonena (UNED Pamplona), the musicologist María Gembero, from the CSIC, the director of the Museo de Navarra, Mercedes Jover, the director of the Museum of the University of Navarra, Jaime García del Barrio, the director of the Ethnological Museum of Navarra "Julio Caro Baroja", Susana Irigaray, the technical director of the file of the Intangible Heritage of Navarra (UPNA), Alfredo Asiáin Ansorena, as well as Linarejos Cruz, coordinator of the National Plan of Industrial Heritage, of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. The list of speakers was completed with members of the Chair of Navarrese Heritage and Art, such as professors Ricardo Fernández Gracia and Esther Elizalde. The roundtable focused on the role of the Foundations and Associations of Friends in the speech of Cultural Heritage, and was moderated by Ricardo Fernández Gracia, giving a voice to the representatives of various institutions such as the Fundación de Casas Históricas y Singulares (Teresa González-Camino), the Fundación Mencos and the association de Amigos de la Catedral de Pamplona (Joaquín Ignacio Mencos), the association de Amigos de la Catedral de Tudela (Luis Durán) and the Fundación Miguel Echauri and association de Amigos del Museo de Navarra (Emilio Quintanilla). position The visit multidisciplinary was run by the professors Ignacio Miguéliz (UNED Pamplona) and Pilar Andueza (Chair de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro), as well as by Julián Ayesa, canon organist of Pamplona Cathedral, who gave a tour of organ music at different historical moments.

Easter Week Cycle
On 26th March, in the Civivox Condestable Hall in Pamplona, the two conferences of the Holy Week cycle took place with degree scroll on Holy Week in film and photography. In the first of these, Emilio Quintanilla Martínez dealt with Photography in Holy Week in Pamplona, reviewing the different snapshots of the Good Friday procession organised by the Brotherhood of the Passion in Pamplona. Next, Alberto Cañada Zarranz, a specialist in the history of cinema in Navarre, spoke on The cinema of Holy Week in Navarre and in the Spain of NO-DO, showing the scarce graphic testimonies of processions and scenes relating to topic, which are very interesting precisely because of their scarcity.

Great Works of Universal Art in Navarrese Heritage I
In the convent church of the Augustinian Recollect Nuns of Pamplona, the first of the interventions of a new activity of the Chair took place. With the degree scroll of Great Works of Universal Art in Navarrese Heritage, the aim is to gloss sets or pieces of great relevance, taking advantage of the presence of great international specialists.

On this occasion it was the Italian professor Antonio Vannugli, from the Università per Stranieri di Perugia, who gave a lecture on 6 May on Orazio Borgianni. A young Roman painter in search of fortune in the Spain of Philip III and his work in Navarre and Castile. Those present were able to contemplate in situ the Christ of Patience by the aforementioned Italian painter, which the nuns keep in the lower choir of their cloister. The professor also spoke at length about other works by the artist that are or were in Navarre, such as the canvas in the Collegiate Church of Roncesvalles that depicts the martyrdom of Saint Lawrence.

Conferences in Baztan
The Jauregia Palace in Irurita was the venue for two talks on Baztan heritage on 5 June. The first was given at position by Professor Pilar Andueza, from the University of La Rioja and administrative assistant academic at Chair, who spoke on Image, prestige and lineage: houses and palaces in Baztan, in which she showed how the fortunes amassed in the places of destination of the Indianos and people who had triumphed at the Court or elsewhere, were totally or partially invested in their places of origin, focusing to a large extent on their native houses, either by building new ones or by subjecting them to extensive remodelling. In the second, Professor Ignacio Miguéliz dealt with Photography in Baztan: from the cabinet of the high school of Lekaroz to the professional programs of study . In it, he explained the genesis of the photographic library of the aforementioned high school governed by the Capuchins and its collections, which were built up over more than a century of existence. He highlighted those snapshots that depict daily life, Baztan landscapes and some of the traditional trades captured by the goal.

San Fermín Cycle
The traditional San Fermín cycle featured two other presentations that took place at the Palacio de Condestable in Pamplona on 24 June. The first, at position by Alberto Cañada Zarranz, with the degree scroll of Los Sanfermines, scene of the first Cinematograph sessions (1896-1902), in which he reviewed the screenings of those early years of cinema in the city and its different scenarios. This was followed by a roundtable moderated by the director of the Chair, with the intervention of Don Amalio de Marichalar y Sáenz de Tejada, vice-prefect of the Royal Congregation, and Professor Andueza Unanua. The former dedicated his speech to explaining the current social, religious and cultural activity of the Royal Congregation and Professor Pilar Andueza gave an overview of the institution from its foundation in 1683 to the present day, showing plans of the previous locations in the Madrid of the Habsburgs and the Bourbons.

At the monastery of Tulebras
At partnership with the monastery of Tulebras, for the second consecutive year, on 16, 17 and 18 August, three conferences were held at the Cistercian abbey itself, with a large number of local inhabitants and visitors to the guest house taking part. In the first, the abbess of the monastery, Mother Pilar Germán, spoke about Cistercian monastic life, focusing on the old charism of St. Bernard, brought up to date for the present day. Professor María José Tarifa, from the University of Zaragoza, dealt with everything related to the artistic projects in the monastery in the light of the arts and the devotions that radiated beyond the walls of the monastery complex, such as the Virgin of La Cama.

Finally, Professor Ignacio Miguéliz made a detailed analysis of the pieces of goldsmith's work and jewellery preserved in the monastery, among which he highlighted the silver chest of the Holy Week Monument and a pair of delicate lamps from the beginning of the 17th century, which are quite unique, as these pieces have disappeared in Navarre, subject .

Course at the Gustavo de Maeztu Museum in Estella-Lizarra
At partnership with the museum in Estella, a cycle was held on four Saturdays, the last Saturday in August and three Saturdays in September, with the title degree scroll Estella es arte / Lizarra arte da. The museum wanted to start this project with the intention of giving it continuity and that each year it would deal with a different aspect of the city's artistic heritage through the eyes of experts. The mayor of the city took part in the inauguration on 29 August. position The first session was given by the undersigned with a lecture entitled De áureo colour. Las artes del Barroco en las Clarisas, in which he analysed the whole Baroque costume of the church, as well as some outstanding works from the 17th and 18th centuries in the Estella complex. On 5 September, Gregorio Díaz Ereño, from the Oteiza Museum, explained one of the most important examples of civil architecture in Navarre, the palace of the San Cristóbal family, with its interesting iconographic programme. On the 12th, Javier Martínez de Aguirre, lecturer at the Complutense University of Madrid, spoke at lecture Santo Domingo de Estella: on humility and architectural ostentation in the 13th century, highlighting how Santo Domingo de Estella is not only the most important work of medieval mendicant architecture in Navarre, but also the most important Dominican convent in the Iberian panorama of the 13th century. position The closing lecture was given by Professor Román Felones, who focused on another of Estella's unique monuments, the parish church of San Miguel, looking at it from what he called other points of view, which were artistic, pedagogical, conservationist and devotional, in order to draw some final conclusions.

Summer Course in Pamplona on The Baroque in Navarre
The publication by the Government of Navarre in December 2014 of a monograph on Baroque art in Navarre led the Chair de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro to organise the Summer Course graduate El Barroco. El placer de sentir y el gozo de celebrar (The pleasure of feeling and the joy of celebrating), in which 140 people enrolled. framework The lectures were held at auditorium of the Civivox Condestable in Pamplona, where several lectures were given by various professors and specialists in the field subject. The course was inaugurated with a lecture given by Javier Portús Pérez, head of department of Spanish Painting up to 1700 at the Museo Nacional del Prado. In it, he reflected on the characterisation of the "baroque" and the historiographical interests of the 20th century, as well as on the intellectual concerns of the time and the statement of core values of various contemporary artists. With degree scroll ¿Existe el Barroco en Navarra? the undersigned reconstructed the interest in the research and dissemination of 17th and 18th century works in Navarre. Professor Azanza spoke about Plegaria de ladrillo y sillar (Brick and ashlar prayer), focusing on the mechanisms that transform a stone or brick building into a space with a persuasive purpose, aimed at moving the faithful to prayer. Professor Pilar Andueza, with degree scroll La construcción de una imagen de poder: urbanismo, casas y palacios (The construction of an image of power: town planning, houses and palaces), showed how, mainly in the 18th century, town planning and civil architecture left extensive traces in the historic centres of our urban centres, in line with what was happening in other territories of the Hispanic monarchy. The figurative arts were the subject of Professor Ricardo Fernández's lecture , in a synthesis in which he dealt with the workshops and their artists, the demand for certain sculptural genres and paintings with different iconographies, as well as different promoters and patrons, and the aesthetics and functionality of the different works conserved in temples, palaces, museums and collections in Navarre. In her talk on jewellery and silverware, Professor García Gainza explained the workings of the Pamplona silversmiths' guild and imported pieces, highlighting the importance of a number of important pieces. To conclude the course, the book on the Crucified Christ by Alonso Cano, currently conserved in the church of San Antonio de los PP.

A publication on the Christ of Alonso Cano of Lecároz
With the sponsorship of the Fuentes-Dutor Foundation, the Chair has published a book on the Crucified Christ of Lekaroz, written by Professor Mª Concepción García Gainza. The sculpture is an outstanding work by Alonso Cano for the Benedictine monastery of Montserrat in Madrid and was completed at the express wish of Queen Mariana of Austria. It was seen there by 18th-century scholars who refer to it with admiration as the "celebrated" Christ of Alonso Cano. The pages of the book analyse the intricate history of this Crucified Christ until its arrival at the recently founded high school in Lekaroz. Its two successive admissions to the Academy of San Fernando to protect it successively from the War of Independence and the Disentailment and finally its shipment to Lekaroz in 1891, whose receipt states that the donation was made "in perpetuity", that is to say, forever.

This is not the first time that the Fuentes-Dutor Foundation has collaborated with the aims of the Chair de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro, as it has already done so in the edition of Issue I of the Cuadernos de la Chair de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro. We would like to thank them for their sensitivity to the different projects of the Chair.

Remembrance of Gayarre in Roncal
On the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the death of Julián Gayarre, the Chair, with the partnership with the Julián Gayarre Foundation, organised two conferences on the great tenor in the town of Roncal. The first one at position by Professor Azanza, with degree scroll de Mármol para la inmortalidad. El mausoleo de Gayarre, by Mariano Benlliure, which took place on 19 September. In it, he highlighted such interesting aspects as the choice of the artist and the process of executing the monument. The music critic and graduate in piano and musicology Xavier Armendáriz gave a talk, lecture, on 26th September, on Opera in the times of Julián Gayarre, focusing his attention on the operatic panorama of the three great centres of activity during the 19th century: France, Germany and Italy.

Navarrese art in the great museums
This new activity began with the aim of bringing works of art from Navarre that are kept in major museums closer to the general public. The first session, on 2 November, was attended by Dr Ángela Franco Mata, honorary head of department of medieval antiquities at the National Archaeological Museum, who spoke on Medieval art from Navarre in the National Archaeological Museum. In her talk she referred to outstanding Roman pieces from Navarre from the 4th century, specifically the spectacular mosaic from the Villa de las Musas in Arellano, as well as some medieval works, particularly the altarpiece of Saints Nicasio and Sebastián, from the chapel of the Eulate family in the parish church of San Miguel in Estella, dated 1402 and made at the expense of Martín Pérez de Eulate, master builder to the King of Navarre.

In partnership with the Town Council of Pitillas, an activity was organised for 21 November, with the degree scroll Our Heritage, our bequest testimony of traditions and beliefs, with the participation of Professor Sagrario Anaut from the Public University of Navarre and Doctor Alicia Andueza. The workshop was the closing of a project partially funded by the Caja Navarra Foundation in 2015: Restoration, Conservation and knowledge dissemination of the Religious Heritage of Pitillas: Ornaments and Clothing. Professor Anaut insisted on the heritage values of cultural assets and tried to raise awareness of the importance of conserving a heritage that is very sensitive to deterioration or destruction, such as textiles. Alicia Andueza, who obtained her doctorate with a thesis on liturgical vestments in Navarre, dealt with a set of garments of French origin that are kept in the parish of Pitillas and which were brought there by Bishop José Cadena y Eleta, a native of this town. The garments were made in Lyon, specifically in the workshop of Joseph-Alphonse Henry, between 1889 and 1900, according to designs by the painter Gaspard Poncet.

About training and sponsorship in contemporary artists
On the afternoons of 24 and 25 November at Civivox Condestable in Pamplona, this cycle of four talks took place. In the first, at position by Professor Azanza, with the title topic De la Academia al café: espacios de meeting y promoción artística en el siglo XIX, the plans of the Real Academia de San Fernando, the trips to Rome and Paris in the training of the artists or the exhibitions of the Círculo de Bellas Artes and the Ateneo de Madrid were pointed out. Professor Zubiaur explained in his lecture the decisive role of numerous promoters in favour of creators in the 20th century. For his part, Dr. Urricelqui dealt with the pensions granted by the Diputación de Navarra in the successive stages since the 19th century. Finally, the role of the Caja de Ahorros Municipal de Pamplona in the promotion of the plastic arts in the capital of Navarre was topic developed by José María Muruzábal, highlighting the setting up of the conference room de Exposiciones in the premises of the institution and the figure of Miguel Javier Urmeneta, a relevant figure in Pamplona society at the time, who made great efforts, from the social and cultural work of the aforementioned Caja de Ahorros, in favour of the social attendance , of the development of the arts and culture in Pamplona.

Christmas Cycle
This year, the traditional Christmas cycle featured two presentations. The first, on 15 December with degree scroll de Figuras que hablan: tipos, trajes y oficios de la sociedad preindustrial en el Belén tradicional hispano, at position by the undersigned, in which she showed how the traditional nativity scene was, until a little over a century ago, full of great symbolic values, portals with classical ruins, large rocks and crags, as well as figures dressed according to the customs and traditions of different regions. The second talk was given by Professor Asunción Domeño at position and under the title degree scroll ¿Qué dice el cine? Christmas on the big screen, she explained the interest that the seventh art, a relatively young medium, has shown in the figure of Jesus Christ and biblical themes since its origins, in a more or less continuous manner.

As in previous years, the Chair de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro, with the sponsorship of the Government of Navarre and the School of Philosophy y Letras of the University of Navarre, offered thirty free places to people who did not study programs of study at the University of Navarre, for attend to the subject Patrimonio Artístico de Navarra, given by the professors Ricardo Fernández Gracia and Clara Fernández-Ladreda.

Through the subject, the most important milestones of Navarre's historical and artistic heritage have been visited, both in the Age of average and in the Modern and Contemporary Ages. In addition to the classes at classroom, there has also been the opportunity to get to know in detail some of the most outstanding works of art of Navarre's heritage in situ, both in Pamplona and in other localities

Website and visits on the website
In order to disseminate the cultural heritage of Navarre, the website of the Chair de Patrimonio y Arte navarro has developed the section classroom abierta, which includes the Piece of the Month on the website and the Itineraries and Visits on the website.

The Piece of the Month is a historical-artistic study of some of the works of art that make up our cultural heritage, both from public and private collections, many of them unpublished or unstudied to date, with more than a hundred to date. There is real estate, but above all there is movable property, where painting, sculpture and decorative arts occupy a prominent place: altarpieces, photography, engravings, lithographs, thesis of Degrees, drawings, tracings and designs, posters for festivals, printed matter and books. There are also works by nuns, nativity scenes and pieces of jewellery, eboraria, lacquer and medals.

For their part, the Itineraries and visits on the web offer the possibility of taking a virtual, convenient look at various significant examples of Navarre's historical and artistic heritage, through photographs accompanied by brief, synthetic texts, written with scientific rigour. In some cases, the visits focus on a single building, space or topic, such as the parish church of Lerín, the monastery of Tulebras, the church of the Compañía de María in Tudela, the parish church of Lesaka, the doorway of the Judgement of Tudela cathedral, the façade of the cathedral of Pamplona, the place Nueva in Tudela or the treasure of San Fermín. But others offer a tour of various buildings or landmarks, such as the Baroque houses and palaces of Baztán or Pamplona. Throughout 2015, the visit to the chapel of San Fermín in Pamplona has been introduced.

From these lines of presentation of the 2015 report , I would like to express my sincere gratitude and that of the board of Directors of the Chair of Heritage and Art of Navarra to all those who have followed its activities throughout the year, to its faculty and to all those specialists and researchers who have collaborated with their interventions throughout the year, as well as to the Government of Navarre that sponsors it and to Diario de Navarra, to the City Councils of Pamplona and Tudela and to all those who have collaborated, from the institutional or staff sphere, to make the Chair of Heritage and Art of Navarre a living and experienced reality in the cultural panorama of the Comunidad Foral.


Ricardo Fernández Gracia
Director of the Chair of Navarrese Heritage and Art


report 2015