presentation of the book
Views of Navarra
Written by Eduardo Morales Solchaga, edited with the sponsorship of the Government of Navarre by the Chair of Heritage and Art of Navarre.
Friday, December 13 at 19:00 h.
Chamber of Commerce of Navarre (c/ General Chinchilla, n.º 4)
Speakers at the event will include:
D. Secundino Fernández, Vice President of Office of Academic Affairs of the University of Navarra.
D. Ricardo Fernández Gracia, director of the Chair de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro.
D. Eduardo Morales Solchaga, author of the book
With the desire to join forces and pursue common objectives - to disseminate heritage and extend culture to the whole of the Community, especially to rural Navarre - the University of Navarre and the Friends of the Camino de Santiago-Centro de programs of study Jacobeos de Estella-Lizarra signed a multi-year partnership agreement in 2023. One of the points of this agreement speaks of a specific cooperation in subject of heritage consisting of the joint programming of a Heritage Week, veteran course of the association and that this year will celebrate its 22nd edition.
The common aspiration of both institutions is to extend, as far as possible, the scope of action not only to the head of the merindad, Estella, but also to the towns located along the Camino, for which this year's program addresses an overview of the heritage with special emphasis on what may be significant in the corresponding locality.
In each of the localities there is the partnership of the respective town councils, in addition to the parish councils when the activity takes place in the corresponding parish. This is a joint line of work that aims to have continuity in successive years, trying to cover all the municipalities where the Jacobean route is present, trying to raise awareness among civil and religious institutions, as well as citizens, about the importance of caring for, protecting and enforcing respect for a route that has the highest level of existing cultural protection: World Heritage.
August 27th at 7:30 p.m. at the Fray Diego de Estella Cultural Center.
"The historical-artistic heritage, condenser of values and identities. Contemplating, thinking, reasoning and making history with cultural assets in Estella".
Ricardo Fernández Gracia, Chair Heritage and Art from Navarre.
August 28th at 7:30 p.m. Parish Church of the Assumption of Villatuerta
"Of battles, miracles and bishops: art and heritage in Villatuerta".
José Javier Azanza López, Chair de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro
August 29th at 7:30 p.m. Parish Church of San Roman de Cirauqui
"Al son de campanas. A religious, cultural and social reading of the heritage of San Román de Cirauqui".
Román Felones Morrás, classroom de la Experiencia, UPNA
August 30 at 7:30 p.m. Parish Church of San Pedro de Mañeru
"Cultural Heritage as a privileged witness of History: Mañeru".
Alejandro Aranda Ruiz, Chair of Heritage and Art of Navarre
Coordinated by:
Ricardo Fernández Gracia, director of the Chair de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro, and Román Felones Morrás, vice-president of the Friends of the Way of St. James of Estella-Lizarra.
Global Seminars & Invited Speaker Series
Cycle of the cathedral of Pamplona (II)
Tuesday, June 25 from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.
Clara Fernández-Ladreda, Professor of Art History at the University of Navarra: "The altarpieces of the Late Gothic period".
Thursday, June 27 from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.
Alejandro Aranda, Cultural Heritage, Archbishopric of Pamplona: "The altarpieces of the Renaissance and Baroque".
Pamplona Cathedral
presentation of the book
Painted votive offerings in Navarra
Written by Ricardo Fernández Gracia, edited with the sponsorship of the Government of Navarra.
Monday, October 30th at 19:00 h.
Nuevo Casino (place del Castillo 44 bis, 1º)
Speakers at the event will include:
D. Secundino Fernández, Vice President of Office of Academic Affairs of the University of Navarra.
Ms. Ana Burusco, Director General of Universities of the Government of Navarre
D. Emilio Garrido Landívar, author of the book presentation
D. Ricardo Fernández Gracia, author of the publication
Global Seminars & Invited Speaker Series
Women and the Arts (I)
Despite the legal limitations and the incapacitation of women for many actions, little by little we are having knowledge of the role played by a good issue of them. In Navarre we can find, throughout the centuries, women who carried out their particular history in an environment that was not at all easy for them to carry out their outstanding projects. The casuistry is very varied.
Tuesday, 26 September from 6.30 p.m. to 8.00 p.m.
"The queen also dies": hieroglyphs in core topic female in the cathedral of Pamplona, Javier Azanza.
Wednesday, 27 September from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Women collectors in the 20th century: María Josefa Huarte, Ignacio Miguéliz.
Thursday, 28 September from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Women in the printing presses of Navarre (1490-1841), Javier Itúrbide.
classroom 33 of Central Building (University of Navarra).
Global Seminars & Invited Speaker Series
Pamplona Cathedral (I)
Cycle dedicated to the movable Art of the cathedral of Pamplona (I).
Wednesday, June 14 from 18:00 to 19:30 h.
Clara Fernández-Ladreda: "Medieval movable art".
Wednesday, June 21 from 18:00 to 19:30 h.
Pablo Guijarro: "The choir stalls".
Wednesday, June 28 from 18:00 to 19:30 h.
Alejandro Aranda: "Intangible heritage: the festive calendar".
Pamplona Cathedral
presentation of the book
Grapes, vines and wine in the Cultural Heritage of Navarre. Landscapes, history, images.
Written by Carmen Jusué Simonena, edited with the sponsorship of the Government of Navarra.
Tuesday, November 15 at 19:00 h.
Nuevo Casino (place del Castillo 44 bis, 1º)
Speakers at the event will include:
D. Secundino Fernández, Vice President of Office of Academic Affairs of the University of Navarra.
Ms. Ana Burusco, General Director of Universities of the Government of Navarra.
Ms. Carmen Jusué Simonena, author of the publication.
Global Seminars & Invited Speaker Series
XX conference of Cultural Heritage: "Estella, a heritage and Jacobean city".
On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Friends of the Camino de Santiago. Centro de programs of study Jacobeos de Estella-Lizarra has prepared a full program of events. The activity will be carried out, in partnership with the City Council of Estella and the French Way Federation, jointly by the Friends of the Camino de Santiago. Centro de programs of study Jacobeos de Estella-Lizarra and the Chair de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro of the University of Navarra.
Three accredited specialists will make an appraisal synthesis of the artistic heritage of the city in each of the entrusted plots.
October 18
Jacobean iconographic heritage: Carmen Jusué, historian
19 October
Civilian Heritage: Mikel Ramos, NAVARK archaeology office
October 20
Religious Heritage: Alejandro Aranda, member of the Chair of Heritage and Art of Navarre.
The conferences will take place at the Casa de Cultura of Estella and will start at 7:30 pm.
lectureFrom Picasso to Arroyo: the failed signings of the Pamplona Bullfighting Fair poster".
When: Wednesday, September 21 at 7:30 pm.
Where: auditorium of the Museum of Navarra
Given by Professor Javier Azanza, it is part of a cycle organized on the occasion of the Centenary of the place de Toros de Pamplona (1922-2022).
exhibition "Art at the service of the festival. The Casa de Misericordia and the poster of the Feria del Toro (1959-2022)".
When: Thursday, August 18
Where: Palacio del Condestable
A position by Javier Azanza
Lectures "Cycle of San Fermín".
Tuesday 28th June
17.30 h. presentation Francisco Javier Leoz (parish priest of San Lorenzo) and Ricardo Fernández Gracia (Director of the Chair de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro).
lectureJosé Luis Molins: "The primitive burial of Saint Fermin Martyr and Bishop, Apostle of Picardy, in Abladene (Amiens)".
Wednesday 29th June
17.30 h. lecture Alejandro Aranda: "7 de julio ¡San Fermín!: el ceremonial en torno al santo patron saint".
Where: Parish Church of San Lorenzo
There is no need for capacity control, but the use of face masks is recommended.
Author of the photo Zarateman
lecture "A round trip between museums and churches".
When: Tuesday 31 May at 6pm.
Where: classroom 30 of the Central Building
The prestigious Norwegian researcher Dr. Justin Kroesen will reflect on how material heritage has contributed to the training of medieval European culture.
Justin Kroesen is professor of cultural history at the University of Bergen (Norway) and curator of the religious art collection at the University Museum of Bergen. He has lectured and taught at many venues in 16 different countries. He has been Visiting Scholar at the Getty Research Institute in 2007 and Humboldt Fellow at the Freie Universität Berlin in 2017.
For the maximum safety of the public, we recommend the use of a face mask.
Visits with on-sitelectures
Tuesday 17 May. 17.00 to 18.30 h.
Convent of the Discalced Carmelites - Ricardo Fernández Gracia -
Wednesday 18 May. 17.00 to 18.30 h.
San Nicolás Parish Church - Carlos Martínez Álava
In this case there will be no need for capacity control, but we do recommend the use of a mask.
presentation of the book
Institutions and people who acted as a bridge between Navarre and the Hispanic monarchy link
development Coordinated by Prof. Mercedes Galán Lorda, with the support of the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the European Regional Fund (ERDF) sponsorship .
When: Monday, 13 December at 19:00 h.
Where: Nuevo Casino (place del Castillo 44bis, 1º)
Speakers at the event will include:
- Ms. Icíar Astiasarán Anchía, Vice President of research of the University of Navarra.
- Ms. Mercedes Galán Lorda, coordinator of the book and co-author
- Ms. Pilar Arregui Zamorano, co-author
- Ms. Elisa Viscarret Idoate, co-author
- Mr. Ricardo Fernández Gracia, co-author and director of the Chair of Navarrese Heritage and Art.
presentation of the book
Dressing up authority. Attributes of power and municipal representation in Navarre
Written by Alejandro Aranda Ruiz, published with the sponsorship of the Government of Navarre.
When: Monday 22 November at 19:00h.
Where: Nuevo Casino (place del Castillo, 44 bis, 1st floor).
Speakers at the event will include:
- Ms. Pilar Lostao, Vice President of International Office of the University of Navarra
- Ms. Ana Burusco, General Director of Universities of the Government of Navarra.
- Ms. Mercedes Galán, deputy director of the Chair of Navarrese Heritage and Art.
- Mr. Alejandro Aranda Ruiz, author of the publication.
Lectures on the figure of women
Both as an artist and as a commissioner, which has been gaining prominence in Navarre from the Middle Ages to the present day. average .
When: Thursday, 28 October at 5.30 p.m. at conference room de Armas of the Citadel
JOSÉ JAVIER AZANZA LÓPEZ: "The Prado Museum in the training of Navarrese artists".
IGNACIO MIGUÉLIZ VALCARLOS: "Navarrese patrons and collectors throughout history".
The entrance is free of charge until fill in capacity is reached.
Visits to commemorate the centenary of Saint Ignatius in Pamplona
Tuesday 5 October - 18:00 to 19.30 "In the footsteps of Ignatius: the basilica". Point of meeting: steps of the basilica. Capacity: 20 people. Ricardo Fernández Gracia.
Thursday 7 October - 18:00 to 19.30 "In the footsteps of Ignatius: Ignatian iconography in Pamplona Cathedral". Point of meeting: atrium of the cathedral. Capacity: 20 people. Alejandro Aranda.
The entrance is free of charge; however, as on previous occasions, the capacity recommended by prudence requires reservation from place. You can register on Monday 4th at the Chair e-mail address ( indicating your full name and National Identity Card. There are 20 places available for each visit and will be allocated in strict order of registration with a confirmation email.
visit to the exhibition photographic by Ana Teresa Ortega
When: Wednesday, 22 September at 18:30 h.
Where: Reception of the University of Navarra Museum
To position by Professor Ignacio Miguéliz.
The entrance is free of charge; however, due to compulsory capacity regulations, it is necessary to register atreservation place . You will be able to register on Monday 20th at the following address indicating your full name and National Identity Card. There are 25 places available and they will be allocated in strict order of registration with a confirmation e-mail.
visit to the Treasury of San Fermín
When: Friday 25 June and 2 July at 5.30 p.m.
Where: Chapel of San Fermín
To position by Professor Ignacio Miguéliz.
Capacity is limited to 20 people. Although the entrance is free, please send us an email to so that we can reserve your place following a strict order of registration.
Music and daily life in the Royal Collegiate Church of Roncesvalles
When: Saturday, 5 June at 12:00 h.
Julián Ayesa (organist of Pamplona Cathedral) and Ricardo Fernández Gracia (Chair de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro) will perform the following programme, which will combine texts and music:
WINTER RIGOURS: The Winter of Vivaldi
THE LEGENDARY: Echo of the valley by José M.ª Beobide
PILGRIM: Improvisation of Dum pater familias, Libro Vermeil Montserrat and Cantiga de Alfonso X Sabio (Canticle of Alfonso X Wise)
BELLS: In the garden of a monastery, Ketelbey
HUNTING: Great Battle of Marengo, Anonymous, c. 1800
ROYAL VISITS: Minuet of the March for the Kingdom entrance
THE DEATH: Bellini's Organ Sonata
SEPTEMBER FESTIVALS: Variations on Magnificat by Miguel Echeveste
Drawing from 1617 included by graduate Juan de Huarte in his Historia de Roncesvalles.
Library Services Navarra Digital, a copy from the Library Services of the Collegiate Church of Roncesvalles.
ORGANISED BY: Chair of Navarrese Heritage and Art
SPONSORED BY: Government of Navarre
COLLABORATORS: Diario de Navarra Foundation and Royal Collegiate Church of Roncesvalles
"Saint Joseph in the spirituality, literature and arts of Navarre".
When: Wednesday, 17 March, 7pm.
Where: Due to current circumstances, presentation will be online. Access: HERE
The roundtable will feature:
- Archbishop Francisco Pérez, Archbishop of Pamplona
- Carlos Mata, from group of research Siglo de Oro (GRISO) of the University of Navarra.
- Mr. Ricardo Fernández Gracia, director of the Chair de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro of the University of Navarre
Organised by: Chair de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro / Vicariate of Faith and Culture, Archbishopric of Pamplona
presentation book:
In the bowels of Palafox's sunset in Puebla
Duties and conflicting affections.
By Professor Ricardo Fernández Gracia, edited by the high school de programs of study Auriseculares.
When: 16 December, Wednesday, at 18 h. (11.00 am Mexico City) online.
With the interventions of:
D.a Iciar Astiasarán. Vice President of research of the University of Navarra.
P. Ildefonso Moriones Zubillaga (OCD). Doctor in Church History and Postulator of the Cause of canonization of Palafox.
D. Ramón Serrera. Full Professor of History of America of the University of Seville.
Mr. Jaime Cuadriello. high school of Aesthetic Research of the UNAM (Mexico).
D. Ricardo Fernández Gracia. Author of the book
"Announcing the Star of the Magi. The soothsayer Balaán in Navarrese art".
By Professor Javier Azanza.
When: Tuesday 15 December at 7 p.m.
Organised by: Chair of Navarrese Heritage and Art
Free access.
presentation book:
The Chapel of San Fermín in the Pamplona parish church of San Lorenzo
By José Luis Molins Mugueta, published with sponsorship of the Government of Navarre.
When: Tuesday, 24 November
Where: University of Navarra at 7 p.m.
Speakers at the event will include:
- Mr. Tomás Gómez-Acebo, Vice President of Alumni of the University of Navarra
- Ms Ana Burusco, Director General of Universities of the Government of Navarre
- Mr. José Luis Molins Mugueta, municipal archivist, professor and author of the publication
- Mr. Ricardo Fernández, director of the Chair of Navarrese Heritage and Art.
Due to current circumstances, presentation will be online. Access:
lecture series:
Commemoration of the 8th Centenary of the Consecration of the Royal Collegiate Church of Roncesvalles (1220-2020)
Programme, Saturday, 26 September
- 10.30 h. Javier Martínez de Aguirre (Complutense University of Madrid): Adaptation and ingenuity: the architectural project of Santa María de Roncesvalles.
- 11.30 h. Clara Fernández-Ladreda (University of Navarra): The Virgin Mother: Saint Mary of Roncesvalles and the derived images.
The lectures will be followed by a guided visit .
Place: Collegiate Church of Roncesvalles. Itzandegia House. Maximum capacity: 50 people.
SPONSORED BY: Government of Navarre
ORGANISED by: Chair de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro
COLLABORATORS: Royal Collegiate Church of Roncesvalles (Jubilee 2020) and Diario de Navarra
presentation of the book
Viana on its 8th centenary: culture and heritage
Published by the Town Council of Viana, it brings together the lectures of the course organised by the Chair de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro and sponsored by the Government of Navarre. The presentation will take place on Thursday 30th January at 19.30 h. in the Nuevo Casino (place del Castillo, 44 bis, 1º).
Speakers at the event will include:
- Mr. Ricardo Fernández Gracia, director of the Chair de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro. University of Navarra
- Ms. Yolanda González García, Mayoress of Viana
- Mr. Román Felones, coordinator of the publication
- Mr. Juan Cruz Cigudosa García, Regional Minister for University, Innovation and Digital Transformation
Chair of Navarrese Heritage and Art / Diario de Navarra
"Christmas in Pamplona Cathedral, Saturday 14 December 2019 at 10.15 a.m.
1. mundoDN, from Thursday, December 5
2. Artemis. Travel agency. (C/ Zapatería, 49), from Thursday, 5 December.
presentation of the book
Heritage and Family: the house and domestic space in Navarre
Thursday, 21 November at 19:30 h. at the Nuevo Casino (place del Castillo 44 bis, 1º)
Chair of Navarrese Heritage and Art / Diario de Navarra
2. Artemis. Travel agency. (C/ Zapatería, 49), from Monday 4 November.
Chair of Navarrese Heritage and Art / Diario de Navarra
2. Diario de Navarra Headquarters (C/ Zapatería, 49). Telephone: 948221355
lecture seriesHydraulic heritage in Navarre".
auditoriumPalacio de Condestable (Pamplona)
18.00 h. Carmen Jusué, The dream of water. Power and glory in the Romanisation
19.30 h. David Alegría, Types and uses of hydraulics in Navarre during the Roman Age. average
auditoriumPalace of Condestable (Pamplona)
18.00 h. José Luis Molins, The Water Supply in Pamplona in the Context of the Enlightenment
19.30 h. Francisco Galán Soraluce, Water in Navarre, today
lecture seriesViana on its 8th centenary: culture and heritage
5.30 p.m.
"Inauguration of the course. Speakers:
Ricardo Fernández Gracia
Director of the Chair of Navarrese Heritage and Art
Ana Burusco
Director General of Universities of the Government of Navarre
Yolanda González
Mayoress of Viana
17:45 hours
"History of the stories of Viana
Román Felones Morrás
classroom of Experience, Public University of Navarra
7 p.m.
"Building a "cathedral" on the border.
Gothic architecture in Viana
Carlos Martínez Álava
Doctor in History of Art
5.30 p.m.
"Music and musicians
Juan Cruz Labeaga Mendiola
PhD in Art History
7 p.m.
"Architecture and power: city and families
Pilar Andueza Unanua
University of La Rioja
5:30 p.m.
"The chapel of San Juan del Ramo and Paret's paintings
José Javier Azanza López
University of Navarra
7:00 p.m.
"The façade of Santa María, a work A of the Spanish Renaissance
María Josefa Tarifa Castilla
University of Zaragoza
5.30 p.m.
"Sumptuary arts
Ignacio Miguéliz Valcarlos
Chair of Navarrese Heritage and Art
7.00 p.m.
"The Soul of Viana: Historical and Cultural Singularities
Félix Cariñanos San Millán
Ethnographer and historian
lecture seriesThe cultural heritage in the Roncal valley
Saturday 7 September, 6.30 p.m., Casa del Valle, Roncal
-José Ignacio Riezu Boj, Secretos del patrimonio roncalés: Piedras
Saturday 14 September, 6.30 p.m., Casa del Valle, Roncal
-Pablo Orduna Portús, Patrimonio material e inmaterial en el paisaje cultural roncalés (Tangible and intangible heritage in the cultural landscape of Roncal).
lecture series: Cascante
Monday 12 August, 8 p.m., conference room of conferences, Museum Santa Vicenta Maria
- Ricardo Fernández Gracia, Symbols and attributes in the construction of images: examples in Cascante.
Tuesday 13 August, 8 p.m., conference room of conferences, Museum Santa Vicenta Maria
- Carlos Carrasco, La arquitectura civil en la Ribera de Navarra (Civil architecture in the Ribera de Navarra)
lecture seriesHeritage and Closure
Sunday 18 August, 7 p.m., conference room of conferences, Hospedería, Monasterio de Tulebras
- Ricardo Fernández Gracia, Clausuras en Navarra: más allá del patrimonio material (Closures in Navarre: beyond the tangible heritage)
Monday 19 August, 7 p.m., conference room of conferences, Hospedería, Monasterio de Tulebras
- María Josefa Tarifa, Nuns who left their mark on the heritage of the monastery of Tulebras
lecture series: Towers and Bells
Wednesday 12 June
18.00 h. José Javier Azanza: "Sentinels of brick and ashlar": a look at the bell towers of Navarre.
19.30 h. Miguel Bañales: Bells: witnesses of local history.
lecture seriesThe work in its context
8 May, 18.00 h. Church of Santo Domingo. Raúl del Toro, The Organ of Santo Domingo.
15th May, 17.00 h. San Cernin Parish Church. Clara Fernández-Ladreda, The parish of San Cernin.
22 May, 17.00 h. Recoletas Church. Ricardo Fernández Gracia, The altarpieces of Recoletas.
29 May, 17.00 h. Monument to the Bull Run. José Javier Azanza, Discovering Pamplona's urban heritage: commemorative monuments (I).