
report 2009

For the fifth consecutive year we present the report corresponding to the activities of the Chair de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro carried out throughout 2009. It contains both the ordinary cycles and the cycles that dealt with aspects that were always new both in terms of topics and in their didactic and/or methodological approaches.

The interest in the dissemination and the knowledge of all our historical and artistic heritage has led those responsible for this Chair to continue to be present in all those forums and places where an intervention or a cycle has been required, always with the conviction that the best way to preserve the rich cultural heritage is its knowledge, as an unparalleled medium. 

With the aim of extending the activities of the Chair to other heritage, in this case ethnographic heritage, the first cycle on Uses and customs in Navarre was organised on 27 and 28 January, with the participation of Mª Amor Beguiristáin and Susana Irigaray, with speeches on the ethnographic survey and the collections of the Julio Caro Baroja Ethnological Museum.

Throughout the months of February, March and April, a course was held in 14 sessions on Navarre's stately homes and palaces. Together with professors who have studied this architecture subject in Navarre, from the average Age to the present day, other specialists from different universities and centres of research took part to explain the different architectural functions of the historic houses, the artists who took part in their construction and furnishing, their furniture and trousseau, as well as the influences and relations with neighbouring regions such as the Basque Country and Aragon. The agreement for the course was carried out with the Fundación de Casas Históricas de España, represented by Ricardo Martí Fluxá, its president, and Teresa González-Camino, the Foundation's delegate in Navarre. The enrollment, was carried out in strict order of registration until the initial 80 places offered were filled. However, the great demand made it necessary to double the issue number of participants, and the event was held at the classroom Magna de Arquitectura. Lectures were given by Javier Azanza, Pilar Andueza, Ignacio Urricelqui, Mariano González Presencio and Jaime Gaztelu (University of Navarra), Javier Martínez de Aguirre (Complutense University), Letizia Arbeteta (Museum of America), Juan José Martinena (file General de Navarra), José Luis Molins (file Municipal de Pamplona), Gabriel Ruiz Cabrero (School of Architecture de Madrid), Juan Manuel González Cembellín (Museo Diocesano de Bilbao), Javier Ibáñez (Universidad de Zaragoza) and the Pamplona architect Fernando Tabuenca.

The Holy Week Cycle took place, following the example of the previous year, in a town outside Pamplona, specifically in Oteiza de la Solana. It took place on the afternoon of April 7 in the form of an interdisciplinary outing in the parish church of the aforementioned town, in which several activities were carried out aimed at offering a synthesis of the arts, with the lecture by Professor Ricardo Fernández Gracia on "The processional paso of Holy Week: empathy, devotion and art", the organ concert at position by Raúl del Toro, from the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Navarra, and the reading of selected texts of literature of the Passion cycle, by Javier Medrano Chivite, Full Professor of Literature of the I.E.S. place de la Cruz.

On 6 and 7 May 2009, Pamplona hosted a Cycle of Navarrese photographers, with lectures dedicated to the Navarrese snapshots of the Marquis of Santa María del Villar and the Navarre seen by Nicolás Ardanaz, at position by professors Jorge Latorre Izquierdo and Francisco Javier Zubiaur Carreño.

degree scroll On Tuesday, June 2, at partnership with the community of Augustinian Recollect Nuns and to commemorate the 375th anniversary of the foundation of the Pamplona monastery, Professor Ricardo Fernández Gracia, of the Chair of Heritage and Navarrese Art of the University of Navarre, gave a talk at lecture with the title"Art and devotion in hidden Pamplona: behind the lattices of the Augustinian Recollect Nuns". In it she showed how frugality and sobriety in everything staff did not prevent the Recollects from providing their convent with ornaments, images, paintings and various objects for divine worship, celebrated in the convent church with the greatest splendour. 

The San Fermín Cycle took place on 9 and 10 June, with two conferences. The first at position by Fernando Aizpún, Vice-Prefect of the Royal Congregation of San Fermín de los Navarros in Madrid, who spoke about the latter institution, and the second, at position by Professor Pedro Lozano Bartolozzi with degree scroll on "Hemingway and the fiesta".

The VI Corella Baroque conference participated in the organisation of two conferences at position by professors Orta Rubio on Houses and lineages and Fernández Gracia, on Baroque altarpieces in the town.

The Gustavo de Maeztu Museum in Estella was the venue from 25 to 28 August for the course Acercar el Patrimonio. Estella. Art and the Way, as part of the programme of the Navarre Universities Summer Courses 2009. The course was organised with the support of Estella-Lizarra Town Council partnership . As in previous editions, the aim of this course, aimed at all those interested in culture and heritage, was to tackle the knowledge of the cultural assets and historical-artistic heritage of the city of Estella from the average Age to the 20th century, using a methodology that combines theoretical-practical sessions with visits to the main monumental sites in the city. Over the course of four sessions, conference, we analysed the outstanding examples of medieval architecture, when Estella became an essential enclave on the Pilgrim's Way to Santiago, the works that transformed Estella in the Modern Age, a period when culture, printing and the arts flourished, and the presence and influence of the city in contemporary art, a period in which the figure of the Vitoria painter Gustavo de Maeztu became particularly relevant. 

The course began on Tuesday 25th with the presence at the inaugural session of Mr. Pedro González Felipe, Director General of training Professional and Universities of the Government of Navarre and the Mayoress of Estella, Ms. Begoña Ganuza. The sessions were given by leading specialists in the subject from the Universities of Navarre and Complutense de Madrid, the Chair de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro, the "Tierra Estella" secondary school in Estella and the "Pedro de Ursúa" secondary school in Pamplona, and the Gustavo de Maeztu and Jorge Oteiza Museums. The capacity of the conference room limited the number of places at registration to 120, although the number of people interested in the course exceeded 250 at issue . The course was directed by Professor Javier Azanza of the Chair de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro.

The sessions were opened by Professor Mª Concepción García Gainza with lecture "The splendour of Estella in the Renaissance. Art and Artists", in which she dealt with the cultural and artistic panorama of the city in the 16th century. position The second talk of the afternoon was given by Javier Martínez de Aguirre Aldaz, lecturer at the Complutense University of Madrid, with topic "Imagen de Dios, imagen de hombre: la portada de San Miguel de Estella" (Image of God, image of man: the façade of San Miguel de Estella). Carlos Martínez Álava closed the first workshop with his lecture "San Pedro de la Rúa: estilos e interestilos en un edificio medieval". 

position The afternoon of Wednesday 26th August began with Santiaga Hidalgo's lecture , "In the footsteps of the Gothic period in Estella: Santo Sepulcro and Santo Domingo", followed by Mercedes Jover Hernando's talk on "Estella's movable heritage", and closing the workshop with a guided tour of the city of Estella at visit by Román Felones Morrás.

The third day featured presentations by Mª Josefa Tarifa Castilla on "Architecture and Humanism in Estella in the 16th century", a century in which the city acquired an air of modernity through an important cultural, monumental and artistic renovation, and Pilar Andueza Unanua with degree scroll "Traces of the Baroque in Estella". The speaker focused her speech on the traces of the Baroque in Estella. She pointed out that in the 17th and 18th centuries, the Baroque was firmly established in an essentially medieval city. The workshop was closed by Ignacio Miguéliz Valcarlos with topic "The sumptuary arts in Estella. From the Age average to the 19th century". 

The fourth and last session of the course featured lectures by Ignacio J. Urricelqui Pacho, under degree scroll "Imágenes de una contienda. Estella and the last Carlist war", Javier Azanza, who spoke on "report, identity and image of Estella in the plastic arts of the 19th and 20th centuries", and Gregorio Díaz Ereño, who spoke on topic "Gustavo de Maeztu: Museum and city". The closing speeches were given by the Mayoress of the city, Begoña Ganuza, and by José Javier Azanza López, director . 

Two activities were organised in October. lecture The first was a visit to position by Francisco Javier Zubiaur Carreño of the Museum of Navarre and the sculptor and painter Iñaki Ruiz de Eguino, with the aim of describing the latter's exhibition in the Pamplona Citadel. The second was an on-site intervention by Professor Pilar Andueza to explain the palace of the San Miguel de Aguayo family, the current home of the Pablo Sarasate Professional Conservatory of Music, the institution with which the activity took place.

At the end of October, a visit was organised for the exhibition El Derecho de Navarra, at position by its curator Mercedes Galán.
A Cycle on Museums was held on 2, 3 and 11 November, with the participation of Mª Ángeles Mezquíriz, honorary director of the Museum of Navarre and Miguel Ángel Hurtado, currently director , and Juan Ignacio Vidarte, director general director of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao.

The Christmas Cycle with talks by professors Javier Azanza and Miguel Zugasti closed, as has become traditional, the year's course of activities. This was followed by lecture Christmas in the Cathedral. Rites, festivities and art by Professor Ricardo Fernández Gracia, at partnership with the association de Amigos de la Catedral de Pamplona.

As in previous years, the web site has given a punctual account of all the activities and once they are over, the summaries of all of them can be consulted, as well as the usual sections of the open classroom , among which the Piece of the Month stands out. Likewise, the work publishing house has continued with the publication of the annual report and the Cuadernos de la Chair de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro in its issue IV, which includes the interventions of the course Casas señoriales y palacios de Navarra. Likewise, the subject seminar of Navarrese Art, a university course open to interested people from the city and organized according to a systematic program and following an updated methodology, has been given to forty people. All of them participated in an interdisciplinary outing to the towns of Tudela and Fitero.

I would like to thank the entire faculty of the Chair and the members of the department of Art of the University of Navarra, to which the Chair of Navarrese Art and Heritage is attached, for their unconditional support and, in a very special way, to those who make up the board of Directors of the Chair, Professor Mª Concepción García Gainza, President, and Professor Mª Josefa Tarifa, administrative assistant, in whose position the edition of this 2009 report has been.

Ricardo Fernández Gracia
Director of the Chair of Navarrese Heritage and Art


report 2009




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