

The Chair of Navarrese Heritage and Art aims to stimulate citizens' knowledge, respect and appreciation of cultural heritage, promoting its revaluation, in order to make it sustainable over time.

It aims to develop public awareness of the value of cultural property, the threats to it and the need to protect it, not only because it constitutes their cultural identity, but also to serve as source for the inspiration and creativity of present and future generations.

In order to achieve the aims envisaged by Chair , it carries out actions in the following areas:


It organises cycles of conferences, seminars, round tables, congresses, summer courses, exhibitions and multidisciplinary visits with the aim of explaining and disseminating the heritage and involving the different social sectors in its knowledge and conservation.

To this end, it collaborates with various organisations, administrations and entities: universities, academies, town councils, museums, foundations, cathedrals, parishes and other cultural organisations and associations.


It promotes research and publications on Navarre's heritage in the context of territorial, peninsular, European and Hispano-American art, along the lines of research and from an interdisciplinary approach .

Forum for discussion

The aim is to create a forum for discussion of current events, commemorations and other cultural events.

Documentation Centre

It has a database and images, based on everything collected in the Catalog Monumental de Navarra, as well as a bibliographic, documentary and programs of study compilation of analysis and synthesis concerning the artistic heritage of Navarre.



University of Navarra

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 425 600 | Ext: 802063