February 6, 2008
Global Seminars & Invited Speaker Series
Decorative arts in Navarra
Dr. Carmen Heredia Moreno.
University of Alcalá de Henares
Dr. Heredia began the exhibition with a brief overview of the specific circumstances of Navarre from the geographical, political and religious point of view as generators of some works of medieval decorative arts of eboraria, enamelwork or silverware, of national or foreign production that concentrated, in principle, exclusively, the attention of scholars.
The historiography is divided into three stages. In the first (late XIX-1950) the most relevant pieces and treasures (Aralar, Roncesvalles, Pamplona, etc.) were made known and analyzed. At the local level, emphasis is placed on the programs of study of researchers related to the Commission of Monuments of Navarre (Altadill, Aridita, Oria, Huici, Juarista, Biurrun...) and on the first contributions of researchers related to the Commission of Monuments of Navarre.) and in the first contributions of European (Marquet de Vasselot, Bertaux, Hildburg) and national historians (Gudiol, Leguina, Gómez Moreno...), as well as in the outstanding role that the decorative arts of Navarre played in the exhibition Hispano-American of Seville celebrated in 1929.
In the second stage (1950-1975) the work of synthesis carried out by Uranga Galdiano and Iñiguez Almech was highlighted, as well as the contributions of Navascues in the field of caliphal ivories or the interest of foreign specialists such as Thuille or Gauthier in Navarrese enamels.
In the third stage (1975-2008), the flourishing of the programs of study of decorative arts in Navarre has been highlighted from the research activity and training of researchers developed by Dr. García Gaínza from the department of History of Art of the University of Navarre in partnership with the Bishopric of Pamplona and with the institution Príncipe de Viana. The importance of the project of the Catalog Monumental de Navarra as a school of learning for the training and the study of the decorative arts and as source and starting point for the research was highlighted. The lecturer also made a summary of the main contributions in different areas of the applied arts of Navarre.
Finally, attention was paid to certain pieces, relevant for their quality or uniqueness in the Navarre area (Reliquary of the Holy Sepulchre, Evangeliary of Roncesvalles, Pamplona Cathedral monstrance, Nautilo of Fitero), and to the reiterated programs of study that have tried and continue trying to deepen in their knowledge. The lecture was concluded by pointing out the evolution experienced by the methodology.
Chest of Leire (11th century). Museum of Navarra