
26 November 2014

Global Seminars & Invited Speaker Series


The website of the Chair de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro: an experience in the dissemination of cultural heritage.

Ms. Pilar Andueza Unanua
Chair of Navarrese Heritage and Art

In 2005 the Chair of Heritage and Art of Navarre was born and at the same time its website was launched with the dissemination of cultural heritage as one of its fundamental objectives.

Never as in recent times has humanity had so much scientific literature, so much documentation accepted by the international community, so much legislation on the protection and conservation of heritage, both tangible and intangible. And yet, paradoxically, the threats to which heritage is subjected are serious and worrying. Ignorance and lack of knowledge, laziness and apathy, globalization and cultural homogenization, loss of cultural identity, dissociation from our past, the development uncontrolled tourism or simply the lack of material or professional resources are among the threatening problems.

In the face of all these threats, national and international institutions such as UNESCO and its related organizations, or the committee of Europe have been advocating for a long time for Education and training, that is to say, for the knowledge and awareness of society as basic tools for the protection and conservation of our heritage.

It is in this context and with these same purposes that the Chair of Heritage and Art of Navarre develops its activities. The main resources or means of dissemination used are the series of conferences, courses, seminars, summer courses, guided tours, etc., given and directed by experts who support their scientific research. In addition to these traditional methods, which are always useful, we also use new technologies, in our case the Internet, with our own web page:

In addition to showing its governing bodies, faculty, objectives, teaching and publications, all its activities are reflected in the summaries and images provided by the lecturers. Of great interest is the openclassroom section, in which the Piece of the Month on the web and the Itineraries and Visits on the web stand out. The Piece of the month focuses on a historical-artistic study of a work of art from our cultural heritage, both from public and private collections, many of them unpublished or unstudied until now, with more than a hundred pieces already studied and analyzed. There is real estate, but above all there is movable property, where, in addition to paintings, sculptures and altarpieces, there are photographs, engravings, lithographs, Degrees, drawings, traces and designs, posters for festivals, printed matter and books. There are also other decorative arts such as works by nuns, nativity scenes or pieces of jewelry, eboraria, lacquers or medals. On the other hand, the Itineraries and visits on the web offer the possibility of approaching in a virtual way and with comfort to diverse significant examples of the historical-artistic heritage of Navarre. In some cases they focus on a single building, urban space or topic, such as the parish of Lerín, the monastery of Tulebras, the church of the Compañía de María in Tudela, the parish of Lesaka, the door of the Judgment of the cathedral of Tudela, the façade of the cathedral of Pamplona, the place Nueva in Tudela, the sanctuary of the Yugo, the memorial in Pamplona or the treasure of San Fermín. But others also offer a tour of several buildings or landmarks, such as the Baroque houses and palaces of Baztán, Pamplona or Tudela, or the Teresian itineraries both in Navarre and in its capital.