18 February
lecture series
Dissemination of the cultural heritage housed at the file Municipal de Pamplona: actions and projects
Ms. Ana Hueso Pérez
Director of file Municipal de Pamplona
"The Cultural Heritage of a people comprises the works of its artists, architects, musicians, writers and scholars, as well as the anonymous creations that emerge from the popular soul and the set of values that give meaning to life, that is, the material and non-material works that express the creativity of that people; the language, the rites, beliefs, historical places and monuments, literature, works of art and archives and libraries" (Definition elaborated by the UNESCO World Conference on Cultural Heritage, held in Mexico in 1982).
Archives, Libraries and Museums are institutions that dedicate their efforts to the management of the collective Cultural Heritage, but with well differentiated personalities and functions - documents belong to the scope of action of archives, books and objects (in a broad sense) to that of libraries and museums, respectively - although with the capacity to act jointly in those fields where a close partnership is necessary. Systematized in two areas of skill: pedagogical action and dissemination policies on the one hand, and common technical problems on the other, such as aspects linked to legislation, responsibility in the collection of materials, training and update of knowledge in coinciding techniques for the treatment of Special Collections, particularly photographic and other audiovisual documents, techniques of copy center and restoration, among others.
The Municipal file is the public institution that safeguards the Documentary Heritage generated and received by the Pamplona City Council in the exercise of its functions from the Age average to the present day and that produced by other institutions and individuals that have already disappeared, in addition to the Bibliographic and Audiovisual, Artistic, Ethnological and Industrial Heritage acquired by the municipal institution, lacking, incidentally, specific technical, human and economic resources for an optimal management.
In the absence of consolidating a proper model of diffusion and integral communication, the actions undertaken to fulfill this end, in some aspects still projects, when not mere declaration of intentions, are oriented to the scopes of the communication with the society and with the municipal institution.
With respect to the area of dissemination and communication with society, a series of actions carried out in the MPA are listed in the following areas of skill:
Image. The file Municipal de Pamplona has signage, a Charter of Services, and a modest presence in the local media, both in the press and on radio and television, which consider it as a facility where documentary heritage is preserved, an object of information for scholars. It is yet to be discovered the informative potential it can provide as tool in the service of Education, of citizen participation, and even of social and humanitarian rights.
Users (professional researchers, amateurs, students, information media and citizens in general) are attended in person and virtually. It requires the urgent need to apply standardized description systems to newly developed instruments and to adapt old instruments to the international rules and regulations as well as to facilitate remote access to documentary and bibliographic collections through the corporate Web, and the approval of a normative instrument such as the Regulations of the file.
reference letter services are offered in person, by telephone and by e-mail (archivomunicipal@file.es) to internal and external users; loan and document reproduction services, as long as the state of conservation of the documents allows it, formalizing in any case the pertinent authorization conditioned to the stipulated in the rules and regulations that regulates the intellectual property rights, the protection of the data of character staff, as well as the right to honor, to the intimacy staff and family and to one's own image.
Cultural action. The legal functionmanagement assistant that Carlos III el Noble assigned to the Municipal file , allowing access only to those in power, has not been transformed until recently, promoted by the archivists themselves - it was in 1907 when the Municipal Archivist Leandro Olivier promoted the celebration of the Scientific, Literary and Artistic competition of Pamplona. The Foral Law 12/2007 on archives and documents of Navarre establishes as a function of historical archives in general (art.18.g), and of municipal archives in particular (art.9.2i), the promotion of programs for the dissemination of documentary heritage, which requires the knowledge of specific techniques in the field of cultural management , so that the file has a prominent role as a cultural agent. The typology of activities for the time being consists of visits, exhibitions related to a topic, promoted or/and participated by the file, workshops, participation in dramatization activities and historical simulations.
The supply of products. The increase in the demand for information and the unavoidable need to have the documentary collections treated and described are two indivisible realities that place the publication of instruments of description and documentary information at the forefront in the framework of archival priorities, both on paper and in electronic format and in new formats. Local history monographs, exhibition catalogs, press releases and local magazine articles, document collections, the annual report , the work that users have done with the documentation of the file, etc. are, among others, different types of publications that make the public and the general public aware of the funds and documentary collections of the file Municipal. It is worth mentioning the enormous work publishing house of J.L. Molins Mugueta and V. Galbete, municipal archivists of Pamplona; J.J. Martinena, J.J. Arazuri and L. del Cambo, among other authors.
The partnership with other entities in the field of archives, as well as in the field of educational, cultural, university and research, etc. is making possible, through agreements, the contribution of human resources to assume certain tasks, economic resources through subsidies and joint promotion of activities.
file Municipal of Pamplona
In the area of dissemination and communication with the municipal institution, the actions revolve around three axes:
The hierarchical position of the file within the organization chart of the Pamplona City Council as a general service is an aspect core topic to maintain visibility and efficiency in the provision of services, applicable to all levels of the organization. Although it has always been attached to the central bodies, unlike the traditional organic link to the Departments of culture or heritage in other local entities, its recognition as a basic body for incorporating document processing into municipal administrative processes is very recent. The AMP is the manager of the management of documents in paper format and, in coordination with the IT technical services, of the management of documents in electronic format, with the aim of facilitating corporate and citizens' access to information.
The implementation of a comprehensive document and archive management system that guarantees the correct organization of documents throughout their life cycle involves a series of planned actions, in order to achieve an agile and efficient administration, requires the essential skill of the archivist, as a technician in subject of documentation.
The implementation of a comprehensive document and archive management system that guarantees the correct organization of documents throughout their life cycle involves a series of planned actions, in order to achieve an agile and efficient administration, requires the essential skill of the archivist, as a technician in subject of documentation.
The stable programming of courses on basic notions of archival techniques for the treatment of documentation management assistant addressed to the administrative staff of the different units.