Dr. Carmen Heredia Moreno
Carmen Heredia Moreno studied the licentiate degree of Philosophy and Letters (Art History Section) at the University of Seville and received her PhD in Art History at the same university in June 1976. Parallel to the programs of study of doctorate she started in the university teaching as Professor teaching assistant of Practical Classes in the Chair of History of Hispano-American Art. Between 1976 and 1983 she was Interim Adjunct Professor at department of Art at the University of Navarra. In the latter date she became Professor at the University of Alcalá where she has recently obtained the Chair of History of Art.
In Alcalá she has directed several Doctoral thesis and Works of research, some still in progress, as well as some Summer Courses and training Occupational Courses for Graduates on Tourism and Heritage, the latter co-financed by the University and the European Social Fund. He is currently a member of committee advisor of the magazine yearbook de programs of study Americanos (Escuela de programs of study Hispanoamericanos, CSIC), laboratory de Arte (Universidad de Sevilla) and Imafronte (Universidad de Murcia), as well as of the collection Arte y Artistas, of the department de Historia del Arte del Centro de programs of study Históricos del CSIC.
His research work has been developed preferably in the framework of different national and regional projects sponsored by public and private entities (Ministry of Education and Science research and development, Príncipe de Viana-University of Navarra-Obispado de Pamplona, board of Andalusia, etc.) and has been poured into numerous publications (monographs, articles in specialized journals, communications and presentations at national and international conferences, exhibition catalogs, catalog cards, encyclopedia voices, etc.). Most of his works are framed in three fundamental lines of research: Artistic Guilds, Cataloguing and Study of Heritage and Spanish and Latin American Silverware.
Some of his works are: Estudio de los contratos de aprendizaje artístico en Sevilla a comienzos del siglo XVIII, Sevilla, 1974; La orfebrería en la provincia de Huelva, Huelva 1980; Orfebrería de la Catedral y del Museo Diocesano de Pamplona, Pamplona, 1978 (in partnership); Arte Hispanoamericano en Navarra, Pamplona 1992 (in partnership); Biografía de los plateros navarros del siglo XVI. Aproximación a su entorno, Pamplona 1996 and La Edad de Oro de la Platería Complutense, Madrid 2001 (in partnership). She has also co-authored the first four volumes of Catalog Monumental de Navarra.
In recent years her research has focused on the silversmiths Juan de Arfe y Villafañe and Francisco de Alfaro, as well as on the repertoires of 16th century drawings of the Fundación Lázaro Galdiano. On these subjects he has already published several articles in the magazines Goya, file Español de Arte and De Arte or in the last volumes of programs of study de Platería of the University of Murcia.
He is currently participating in the Sub project of research "Construir y conservar lealtades colectivas. Sovereignty and elites in the Monarchy of Spain (XVI-XVII centuries)", reference letter: HAR2012-39016-C04-02, subsidized by the administrative office of State of research, development and Innovation. General Administration of research and management of the National Plan of research and development+i. of the year 2012: Elites and agents in the Hispanic monarchy: forms of political articulation, negotiation and patronage (1506-1725).
He is also a member of the committee advisor -committee Scientific of the Journal Artes Decorativas of the Catholic University of Porto (Portugal) and of the committee External Scientific of De Arte. Revista de Historia del Arte, of the University of León. He is also board member of the committee of essay of the magazines Imafronte (University of Murcia) and laboratory de Arte (University of Seville).