
Dr. Javier Itúrbide Díaz

graduate in Philosophy and Letters from the University of Navarra (1974) and PhD in History from the Public University of Navarra (2006). Civil servant in the Government of Navarre from 1975 until his retirement in 2011. Lecturer at the Centro Asociado de la UNED in Tudela (2008-2009) and later at the Centro Asociado de Pamplona (2010-2018). He has participated as speaker in courses and activities organised by the University of Navarra, University of Deusto, University of the Basque Country and the high school de public administration of the Government of Navarra. He has been a member of the committee Navarro de Cultura (2012-2015) and Patron of the Fundación Bancaria Caja Navarra, as an expert in cultural affairs (2013-2017). He has held the posts of graduate senior librarian of the Library Services Pública de Estella (1977-1983 and 1987-1989), director of the Institución Príncipe de Viana (1984-1986), head of the Publications Section of the Government of Navarre (1990-1995), director of the Publications Service and Scientific Dissemination of the Public University of Navarre (1996-1998), and as a consequence was elected member of the board Directiva de la association de Editoriales Universitarias de España, of which he is partner de Honor (2000). He has been director of the area of Culture of Pamplona City Council (1999-2003) and elected member of the Culture Commission of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (2000). Subsequently he was director of the Library Service of the Government of Navarre (2004-2007) and head of the University Extension Section of the Government of Navarre (2007-2011).

Based on his doctoral thesis , he has published Escribir e imprimir: el libro en el Reino de Navarra en el siglo XVIII ( 2007); he is also the author of the monograph, with a preface by Víctor Infantes, Los libros de un Reino. Historia de la edición en Navarra (1490-1841). Authors, publishers, printers and booksellers (2015). In relation to Estella, where he lived for a time, he is the author of Estella: bibliography local (1990), and, as part of the collection "Panorama", Estella (3rd ed., 2010). Aimed at teaching activities, he published ¿Qué sabes del Amejoramiento Foral? (1983). He is co-author of Navarra, Historia y Arte: Doce guías para su estudio (1982) and has collaborated in Navarros en América: Cinco crónicas (1992) and in the institutional publication Universidad Pública de Navarra (1997). He has been the literary publisher of, among others, Historia de Navarra, published in five volumes by the Government of Navarre (1994-1995); of Navarra en la mano, an institutional publication of the Government of Navarre, published in five languages (1st ed., 1996); of El Parque Natural de Urbasa y Andía ( 1998) and of El Parque Natural de las Bardenas Reales (1999). In relation to the capital of Navarre, he has coordinated the monographs Pamplona. El siglo XX en imágenes ( 2001) and Pamplona en el tiempo: Historia y Arte (2002). He has participated, as a literary publisher and author, in Cuando las cosas hablan. La Historia contada por cincuenta objetos de Navarra ( 2nd ed., 2015). His priority line of research focuses on the history of books and publishing in the kingdom of Navarre.