
Dr. Javier Martínez de Aguirre

D. in Art History from the University of Seville (1985). Senior Associate Professor of department of Art History I (Medieval) at the Complutense University of Madrid since 2005; previously, Senior Associate Professor at the universities of Seville and Rovia i Virgili (Tarragona).

His research has diversified in different lines: medieval art in Navarra, both pre-Romanesque and Romanesque and Gothic; Romanesque and Gothic art in other Spanish regions (Andalusia, Basque Country, Aragon); and the study of heraldic emblems in the Middle Ages average. He devotes special attention to questions of artistic promotion, assimilation and diffusion of constructive and figurative formulas, iconography, authorship, social dimension of the artist and the artistic fact, restoration and knowledge dissemination of monumental ensembles, etc.

Author of books such as Arte y monarquía en Navarra 1328-1425 (Pamplona, 1987), Emblemas heráldicos en el arte medieval navarro (Pamplona, 1996, in partnership with Faustino Menéndez Pidal), El escudo de armas de Navarra ( Pamplona, 2000, in partnership with Faustino Menéndez Pidal), El arte románico en Navarra ( Pamplona, 2002, in partnership with Clara Fernández-Ladreda, director, and Carlos Martínez Álava), "El palacio real durante la Edad average" in El palacio real de Pamplona (Pamplona, 2004, in partnership with Javier Sancho), Torres del Río, iglesia del Santo Sepulcro (Pamplona, 2004, in partnership with Leopoldo Gil) and Enciclopedia del Románico en Navarra (Aguilar de Campoo, 2008, 3 vols., of which he has been coordinator scientific).

speaker He has participated in numerous national and international congresses both in Spain and abroad, has lectured in several Spanish universities and in international seminars and summer courses. He has published research articles in specialized magazines (Príncipe de Viana, file Español de Arte, laboratory de Arte, Codex Aquilarensis, bulletin del seminar de Arte y Arqueología de Valladolid, file Hispalense, yearbook del department de Historia y Teoría del Arte de la UAM, Emblemata, Ondare, Anales de Historia del Arte, Cuadernos de la Chair de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro, Cahiers de Saint-Michel de Cuxa) and exhibition catalogs.

He is director of the group of research validated "Arquitectura áulica en la España medieval" of the Complutense University of Madrid. He was deputy curator of the exhibition La Edad de un Reyno: Sancho el Mayor y sus herederos (Pamplona 2006); scientific coordinator of the permanent exhibition Navarra románica: reino, cultura, arte (Santa María Jus del Castillo de Estella); promoter and coordinator of the I conference Complutenses de Arte Medieval; and together with David Simon, he has been director of courses on Spanish Romanesque art in the summer courses of the University of Zaragoza in Jaca.