
Dr. Javier Zubiaur Carreño

Adjunct Professor at the University of Navarra between 1988 and 2013, teaching the subjects "History of Contemporary Art", "Museology" and "History of Cinema and other Audiovisual Media". At this University he obtained his doctorate in Philosophy and Letters (1985) with a thesis on "Los pintores de la Escuela del Bidasoa", directed by Dr. Mª Concepción García Gainza, published in 1986 by the Government of Navarre under the title degree scroll La Escuela del Bidasoa, una actitud ante la naturaleza (The Bidasoa School, an attitude towards nature). He has formed part of the cultural team of Caja Navarra and has been director of publications of the Institución Príncipe de Viana, an institution he directed between 1991 and 1995. He was a senior technician at the Museum of Navarre at civil service examination, where he directed it from 1999 to 2002. He was president of the Cine-club Lux in Pamplona between 1985 and 1990. His line of research focuses on the contemporary world: audiovisual media, art and ethnography of Navarre.

Since 1995 he has been partner of the ALLGEMEINES KUNSTLER LEXIKON, the dictionary of visual artists of publishing house Saur (Munich). Author of numerous articles and books, including Etnografía de San Martín de Unx. 30 años de investigaciones en un pueblo de la Navarra average (2007), in partnership with his brother José Ángel; Historia del cine y de otros medios audiovisuales (1999), award ENINCI for the best film book published in Spain (2000); and Curso de Museología (2004), as well as biographies of several 20th century artists. These include José Salís Camino, un pintor de la transición a la modernidad (1863-1926), which earned him the award Europa from the University of Navarra (1990), and Ingmar Bergman, fuentes creadoras del cineasta sueco (2004), with its correlative essay Allen en perspectiva bergmaniana ( 2007). He is co-author of guide de recursos de la Fotografía Artística en España (2002), an electronic publication of the Ministry of Culture.


Javier Zubiaur


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