
Dr. María Gembero Ustarroz

Musicologist and native of Pamplona, she is since 2007 Senior Scientist in Musicology at committee Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Milá y Fontanals Institution in Barcelona. She holds a degree in History from the University of Navarra (1981) and a PhD in Musicology from the University of Granada (1991), in both cases with award Extraordinary, and degree scroll Professional Piano from the Pablo Sarasate Conservatory of Pamplona (1981) with award Fin de degree program. She taught at the Pablo Sarasate Conservatory of Pamplona (1982-1991) and at the University of Granada (1991-2007), collaborated in programs of doctorate and Master's Degree of the universities of Salamanca and Valladolid, and since 2010 collaborates in a Master's Degree of the University of Barcelona. He has directed seven doctoral thesis and other supervised research works.

His research focuses on Spanish music (16th-19th centuries), musical relations between Spain and Latin America during the viceregal period, Spanish musical heritage and the musical history of Navarre. He has directed three projects research and development of the National Plan of research and the group Mecenazgomusical en Andalucía y su proyección en América, funded by the board of Andalusia. She is currently participating in the projects Libros de polifonía hispana (1450-1650): Catalog sistemático y contexto histórico-cultural y Traditional Music Fund CSIC-IMF.. He has participated in numerous national and international congresses, has done intensive research at the file General de Indias in Seville and has made stays of research at the universities of Cambridge and Chicago.

His publications include: La música en la Catedral de Pamplona durante el siglo XVIII, 2 vols; the edition of the Concierto para core topic y Orquesta (1767) by Manuel Narro (first keyboard concerto known so far in the Hispanic world); "El patrimonio musical español y su management"; and numerous contributions in prestigious national and international journals and editorials on theatrical music, musical patronage of the nobility, musical repertoire in female convents and parishes, music in colonial Spanish America and Napoleonic Spain. She is editor of Issue programs of study on music and musicians of Navarra, and co-editor of La música y el Atlántico. Relaciones musicales entre España y Latinoamérica and of the interdisciplinary Issue Desvelando el cuerpo: perspectivas desde las ciencias sociales y humanas. In 2012 she coordinated (with Emilio Ros-Fábregas) the dossier Musical 'Otherness' in the Iberian World, 1500-1800 for the journal Early Music (Oxford University Press).

She is coordinator of the group de research Música, patrimonio y sociedad, recognized by the Generalitat de Catalunya, and has recently been appointed director of the Colección Música de publishing house CSIC, which includes the series Monumentos de la Música Española.