
Dr. Mercedes Galán Lorda

Graduate (1984) and doctorate in Law (1987). Her thesis Las fuentes del regional law Reducido de Navarra was award Extraordinary doctorate and award Extraordinary research of the Caja de Ahorros Municipal de Pamplona. Professor of History of Law and Institutions at the University of La Coruña (1995). She is currently Professor of History of Law and Vice-Dean of School of Law at the University of Navarra. Deputy director of the Chair de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro since September 2018.

His lines of research are History of Law navarro and History of Law indiano. Among her publications on Navarre, she has studied the regional law Reducido and regional law General de Navarra, the compilations of Navarrese law, the administration of justice, the Diputación, the agent of the kingdom of Madrid, the origins of the viceroyalty, special forms of property and the institution of the Ombudsman. She is the author of the books Historia de los Fueros de Navarra (Eunate, 2007) and El Derecho de Navarra ( Gobierno de Navarra/ M.I. high school de Abogados de Pamplona, 2009); co-author of El Defensor del Pueblo de la Comunidad Foral de Navarra (Institución del Defensor del Pueblo de la Comunidad Foral de Navarra/Universidad de Navarra, 2004) and Los términos faceros de la Merindad de Pamplona. Estudio histórico-jurídico (Government of Navarre/high school Navarro de public administration, 2005); co-author and coordinator of: Gobernar y administrar justicia: Navarra ante la incorporación a Castilla; Navarra en la Monarquía hispánica: algunos elementos core topic de su integración; Instituciones y personas que actuaron como puente de link entre Navarra y la Monarquía hispánica (Thomson Reuters Aranzadi, 2012, 2017 and 2021, resp.).

Curator of the exhibitions El Derecho de Navarra ( 2009) and La Constitución de Cádiz. A reformed Spain (2012). Member of the scientific committee of the permanent exhibition Occidens, discover the origins, Pamplona Cathedral Museum (2014).

In relation to Indian law, he participated with Professor Sánchez Bella in various programs of study on the Recopilación de leyes de Indias of 1680, such as his partnership in the edition of the Recopilación by Antonio de León Pinelo. rules and regulations He has published articles on Juan de Palafox, the viceregal ordinances of Francisco de Toledo and Luis de Velasco, the work of the Cabildo of Mexico, the Regio board of trustees and the work of Encinas, León Pinelo and Paniagua in compiling the laws of the Indies.

She has taken part in various projects at research, including four ministerial projects in which she has been the main researcher: El proceso integrador de Navarra en Castilla: instituciones administrativas; La integración de territorios en nuevas entidades políticas y sus consecuencias en las instituciones administrativas; Instituciones y personas que actuaron como puente de link entre Navarra y la Monarquía hispánica; and Modelos territoriales en la training de Estados: evolución del estatus de Navarra en la Monarquía hispánica. speaker .She has been invited to numerous national and international congresses.

Director of department of Public Law and Basic Legal Institutions at the University of Navarra (2010-2019). Member of the Sociedad de programs of study Históricos de Navarra since its foundation in 1988 and president from 2003 to September 2011. Member of the high school Internacional de History of Law Indiano; Member of the association Española de Americanistas; Corresponding Member in Spain of the high school Histórico y Geográfico de Santa Catarina (Brazil); Member of the high school de Historia de la Intolerancia, attached to the Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación, since 2016; and Member of the Sociedad Española de History of Law since its constitution in 2019. Member of the Documentary assessment Commission of the Government of Navarre since 2007; of the committee Navarro de Cultura (2013-2015); and of the board of trustees of the Fundación Caja Navarra (2013-2017).


Mercedes Galán


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