
Dr. Mercedes Jover Hernando

Mercedes Jover Hernando holds a PhD in History from the University of Navarra since 1991. In 1995 she was appointed Associate Professor at department of Art History, where she has taught the subjects "a course focusing on a single topic of Art I (Heritage)", "Protection of Cultural Heritage" and "Museology and Museography".

He has developed his professional career in the Historical Heritage Service of the General Administration of Culture, as Senior Technician of the Museum of Navarra between 1991 and 1995 and as Senior Technician in Movable Goods since 1998. Between 2000 and 2007 she was Head of the Department of Movable Goods and until 2010 she was in charge of the Section of Movable Goods and Heritage Registry of the department of Culture and Tourism-Principe de Viana Institution. She is currently the Director of the Museum of Navarre, professionally dedicated to the Historical Heritage of Navarre, she directs part of her activity to the dissemination of Heritage and Art and of the Comunidad Foral. Her work includes the coordination of the publications on El retablo mayor de Santa María la Real de Olite. Historia y Conservación (2006) and El retablo mayor de la Catedral de Tudela. Historia y Conservación (2001); El Retablo mayor de San Juan Evangelista de Ochagavía (1999) and the discussion paper entitled "Reflexiones en torno a las Luces y Sombras del Patrimonio Artístico en Navarra", collected in the conference proceedings of the IV congress de Historia de Navarra. Myth and Reality in the History of Navarre, 1998.

He has also dedicated two articles to The Monastery of Leire and The Romanesque in Estella in the publication El Arte en Navarra in 1994; he has collaborated in the essay of some technical cards of the guide of the Museum of Navarra in 1993 and in the Gran Enciclopedia Navarra in 1990. He has written in the specialized magazine "Príncipe de Viana " about "Un conjunto de pintura mural ilusionista en la Iglesia del Convento de San Francisco de Viana" (1988), about "Los ciclos de Pasión y Pascua en la escultura monumental románica en Navarra" (1987) and "Atrio. Artistic collection of the Parliament of Navarre 1979-2010" (2010). She has participated in congresses and technical conference and has given several conferences focused on the cultural assets of Navarre.

She has been curator of the exhibition Tudela. El bequest de una catedral, Tudela (2006-2007) and Tesoro monástico. The reliquary of the monastery of Fitero restored (2008).

She has been a member of the board of trustees of the Foundation for the Conservation of the Historical Heritage of Navarre between 2007 and 2012.


Mercedes Jover


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