
Dr. Pilar Andueza Unanua

specialization program thesis A graduate in Geography and History, in 2002 she obtained her doctorate in Art History from the University of Navarra with the doctoral thesis La arquitectura señorial de Pamplona en el siglo XVIII: familias, urbanismo y ciudad, for which she was awarded the Extraordinary Prize award doctorate . It was published by the Government of Navarre in 2004. After working at the University of Navarra as a lecturer teaching assistant doctor and administrative assistant academic of the Chair de Patrimonio y Arte navarro, with which she continues to collaborate, she is currently a lecturer in History of Art at the University of La Rioja. In 2010 she carried out a long research stay at the high school de Investigaciones Estéticas of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

His programs of study focuses on private civil architecture, especially in its stately facet, as well as on the domestic space and urbanism of the Modern Age, as reflected in some of his works such as "La arquitectura señorial de Navarra y el espacio doméstico durante el Antiguo Régimen" (2009) or the book Patrimonio y familia. La casa y el espacio doméstico en Navarra ( 2019). The trousseaus of the high bourgeoisie and the nobility, mainly silverware and jewelry, and sumptuary consumption are also part of her research, as evidenced by several chapters in books and articles published in national and foreign scientific journals. Always linked to the cataloguing of cultural heritage, as evidenced by her participation in the projects of research "Digitalización y database del Catalog Monumental de Navarra" (2001-2005) and "Catalog de Bienes Muebles del Patrimonio cultural de Navarra" (2006-2009), both under sponsorship of the Government of Navarra, in recent years she has also been involved in the study of the history of conservation and restoration of historical-artistic heritage.

At the same time, he has carried out other professional activities such as the preparation of technical reports(Cloister of Pamplona Cathedral, Palace of the Counts of Guenduláin and the Strategic Plan for Culture in Navarre. Estado de la cuestión, with M.ª Camino Barcenilla) or the coordination of exhibitions: Juan de Goyeneche y el triunfo de los navarros en la monarquía hispánica del siglo XVIII (2005), San Francisco Javier en las artes. El poder de la imagen ( 2006) and Fitero: El bequest de un monasterio (2007).