
Dr. Soledad de Silva y Verástegui

D. in History of Art from the University of Navarra in 1980 with the grade of A cum Laude", she obtained the Extraordinary award of doctorate in this university, and the First award of research of the Institute programs of study Riojanos in 1981. Her professor activity has been developed at the University of Navarra as a professor from 1972 to 1988, and at the University of the Basque Country since 1988, reaching the Degree full professor at the University since 1990 and Professor since 2000.

Author of several books and more than fifty articles published in Spanish and foreign scientific journals, preferably on miniature, Romanesque and Gothic sculpture. Among her scientific publications are: Iconography of the X century X the Kingdom of Pamplona-Nájera, (Pamplona, 1984); Gothic Iconography in Alava. Temas Iconográficos de la Escultura Monumental, (Vitoria, 1987); La miniatura Medieval en Navarra, (Pamplona, 1988); La miniatura en el Monasterio de San Millán de la Cogolla. Contribución al estudio de los códices miniados en los siglos XI al XIII, (Logroño, 1999); "El Beato Emilianense de la Academia de la Historia", in El Beato de San Millán de la Cogolla, in col. with J.B. Olarte, (Madrid, 1999); El Beato de Navarra ( in partnership with E. Ruiz, Madrid, Millennium, 2007); and Los sepulcros de los santos en la Alta Edad average en España ( in preparation).

He has participated in courses, seminars and conferences organized by the Menéndez Pelayo International University of Santander, National Archaeological Museum, National Historical file , Museum of Navarra, Museum of Albacete, Institute programs of study Riojan programs of study , University Rovira y Virgili of Tarragona, Institución Fernando el Católico of Zaragoza, Ephialte Institute of Iconographic programs of study , University of León, and other centers abroad: Cologne, Göttingen, Montevideo (Uruguay).

He is currently part of the research team of the project on Illustrated Manuscripts during the last centuries of the average for the Monarchy, the Church and the Aristocracy in the kingdoms and southern states of Europe (Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness of Spain, 2013) directed by Dr. Josefina Planas (University of Zaragoza, Spain). Josefina Planas (University of Lérida) and in which also collaborate, Eberhard Köning (Freie Universitat of Berlin),Susan Lengle (St. Louis University, Missouri, USA), Silvia Maddalo (Universita degli Studi della Tuscia), Francesca Manzani (Sapienza University of Rome) and Aires A. Nascimento (University of Lisbon).