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19 September 2006

From the village to the Court
Dr. José María Imízcoz Beunza. University of the Basque Country

The "eighteenth century Navarrese hour" was not an isolated event. It was the result of the meeting between certain family groups, mostly from the valleys of northern Navarre, and the more general movement that took place in the Spanish monarchy with the advent of the Bourbons. This renewal at the top of the monarchy opened up considerable political and economic space that facilitated the elevation of numerous families of northern noblemen to the highest political and honorary positions. The most striking case, due to its intensity and issue, is that of the several hundred people from Baztan who, throughout the 18th century, made careers and businesses in the Court, the High Administration, the hierarchy of the Army and the Navy, the high clergy, royal finances and peninsular and colonial trade.

From an initial instructions , the policy of these families was based on the systematic placement of their sons in trade and royal administration, thanks to the sponsorship of their collateral relatives. Very soon, after the successes of the first generation of the "eighteenth hour", a number of families established themselves in a conscious and systematic policy of giving certain careers to their sons. This policy relied on family relations introduced into the business and institutions of the monarchy and required an educational and economic investment. Children learned Spanish and how to read, write and count. They could then attend various courses programs of study. The costs of this Education were borne by the relatives who were responsible for placing them. In addition, those who had prospered in the Monarchy's Structures created and financed schools of first letters in the towns in order to provide this Education for their relatives and countrymen.

Between the relatives established at the Court and in the empire and their families in Baztan, a powerful Economics of communicating vessels was established. A wealth of resources flowed through it, especially if we compare it with the limited possibilities of the traditional rural Economics . The families who took part in this process rebuilt their houses, giving them volume and prestige, improved their farms, bought land, founded censuses, received dowries to marry off their daughters in good marriages or to enter a convent, etc. Money came not only through inheritance or donations, but also regularly through monthly pensions.

The families whose sons rose to prominence in "the time of the 18th century" also rose to prominence in Baztan society. The careers of their sons in the Monarchy brought them economic, honorary and political benefits that largely fuelled their rise within the peasant community. They became the leading families in the Valley, took charge of local government, represented their prestige through material and honorary elements, practised a paternalistic policy through a very abundant patronage and acted as useful mediators between the outside world and the needs of the peasant society.





Place: Elizondo. Arizkunenea Cultural Centre
16.45 h: Opening and presentation of the course
17 h. Juan de Goyeneche, ahead of his time
Prof. Dr. Alfredo Floristán Imízcoz. University of Alcalá de Henares
18 h. Coffee break
18.30 h. Ziga, Lekaroz and Gartzain: the churches of the Renaissance in the Baztan area
Prof. Dr. María Josefa Tarifa Castilla. Chair of Navarrese Heritage and Art

Place: Elizondo. Arizkunenea Cultural Centre
17 h. From the village to the Court
Prof. Dr. José María Imízcoz Beunza. University of the Basque Country
18 h. Coffee break
18.30 h. Palaces of Baztan
Prof. Dr. Pilar Andueza Unanua. Chair of Navarrese Heritage and Art
Then visit to the Ethnographic Museum of Baztan Jorge Oteiza, guided by Ms. Ana María Marín, member of the Friends of the Museum.

Place: Arizkun. Convent of the Poor Clares
17 h. Juan Bautista Iturralde and his foundations
Prof. Dr. María Concepción García Gainza. Chair of Navarrese Heritage and Art
Place: Azpilkueta. Parish
18.30h. Families and artistic promotion: Elizacoechea in Azpilkueta, the Jáuregui family in Oharriz
Prof. Dr. Ricardo Fernández Gracia. Chair of Navarrese Heritage and Art

Place: Elizondo. Arizkunenea Cultural Centre
17 h. Indian art and architecture in the Baztan Valley. The 19th and 20th centuries
Prof. Dr. Javier Azanza López. Chair of Navarrese Heritage and Art
18 h. Coffee break
18.30 h. Closing session: The Bidasoa School and landscape painting in Baztania.
Prof. Dr. Francisco Javier Zubiaur Carreño. Museum of Navarre