
Basilica of St. Ignatius of Loyola



FIRST STAGE: October 1668 / February 1672

Pedro de Azpíroz worked with his crew and superintendent, Father Gaspar López Azpíroz, the best stonemason of the time, who built the Carmelite façade between 1667 and 1670. He was very devoted to St. Ignatius, made his will in 1697 and left a chaplaincy in the basilica, forgiving debts. The complete façade dates from that time. The amount of expenses amounted, in the first stage, until 1672, to 29,653 reales.


  • Lack of money

  • Excessive expenditure on foundations (formerly backfill pits)

SECOND PHASE: June 1692 / March 1693

The expenses for the completion of the building, between June 1692 and March 1693, amounted to 4,469 reales. The work was carried out at position by the stonemason Francisco de Iztueta, who signed an agreement with Father Alesón. Brother Diego Castellanos supervised the construction, raising the building from the cornice.



file Diocesan of Pamplona. Government of the Diocese. administrative office de Cámara. Boxes 293, 294, 295, 296 and 297.

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