Front façade of the parish church of Santa María de Viana
On the frieze that closes the first body, on the axis of the two scenes of the Passion of Christ, there are rectangular frames that inscribe the figures of the evangelists. Above the scene of the Prayer in the Garden are St. Matthew and St. John, while above the Fall on the way to Calvary are the pair formed by St. Mark and St. Luke. The four saints are represented seated, writing their respective books and accompanied by their iconographic attributes: the Angel of St. Matthew, the Eagle of St. John, the winged Lion of St. Mark and the winged Bull of St. Luke, from agreement to the vision of Ezekiel and the Apocalypse of St. John. They are represented in a naturalistic way, with individualized features and gestures, adjusting to the framework in which they are inscribed.
The presence of the evangelists on this cover is not surprising, since it is one of the most recurrent themes in Christian art. In addition, the evangelists, through their writings, the four canonical gospels, were in charge of proclaiming and spreading the life, works and message of Christ, and the redemption of men through his death, topic central of this cover.
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