
Sanctuary of Nuestra Señora del Yugo


The Marian image

The sculpture itself dates from the second half of the 14th century and Fernández-Ladreda relates it to the images of the galactotrophic virgins, with the familiar gesture of the Child carrying his arm to his mother's breast, which is modestly concealed by the clothing. The iconography derives from French examples and would have its continuation in the 15th century.

Its vertical compositional outlinerepeats in clothing and arrangement what was usual at the time. The Child wears only a tunic, while the Mother wears the same garment, adjusted to her body by means of a strap belt and a mantle that covers her from the head down both arms and crosses and ends at the right side.

The poor condition of the carving led to its restoration in 1952, in an intervention that from today's point of view can be considered somewhat aggressive.


The Marian image


  • MUNÁRRIZ, L., El santuario del Yugo, Pamplona, Imprenta y Librería de Joaquín Lorda, 1898.

  • GARCÍA GAÍNZA, M. C. and others, Catalog Monumental de Navarra. I. Merindad de Tudela, Pamplona, Government of Navarre-Archbishopric of Pamplona-University of Navarre, 1980.

  • FERNÁNDEZ-LADREDA, C., Imaginería medieval mariana, Pamplona, Government of Navarre, 1989.

  • FERNÁNDEZ GRACIA, R., "Un aspecto de la arquitectura barroca en Navarra: los camarines", conference proceedings del I congress General de Historia de Navarra. Príncipe de Viana (1988), appendix 11, pp. 149-158.

  • ECHEVERRÍA GOÑI, P. and FERNÁNDEZ GRACIA, R., "La arquitectura religiosa de los siglos XVI al XVIII en Navarra", Ibaiak eta Haranak. Guía del Patrimonio artístico y paisajístico. Navarra, vol. VIII, San Sebastián, Etor, 1991.

  • AZANZA LÓPEZ, J. J., Arquitectura Religiosa Barroca en Navarra, Pamplona, Government of Navarre, 1996.

  • FERNÁNDEZ GRACIA, R., The Baroque altarpiece in Navarre. Pamplona, Government of Navarre, 2003.
