
pathway Teresian in the rest of Navarre


Discalced Carmelites of Tudela

Founded: 24 June 1597, at the request of the city of Tudela.

Affiliation: convent of Pamplona.

Patrons and benefactors: Bishop Diego de Yepes of Tarazona, Don Fermín de Ecay and the Ruiz de Ullán family. Original location: the house of the Ruiz de Ullán family, next to the river Queiles.

Exclaustration: in 1837. After the disentailment of Mendizábal, convent life was not restored, as in the rest of the convents.

entrance Fates of the building: in 1840 the seminar Conciliar de Santa Ana was created on its site, which was in operation until well into the second half of the last century.

Convent complex: built between 1600 and 1603, under the direction of the Tracista brother Friar Francisco. The 18th-century altarpieces from the Tudela workshop and from the third quarter of the 18th century were transferred to the parish church of Murchante together with the excellent sculptures from the first third of the 17th century of the Virgen del Carmen and Santa Teresa, both imported from Valladolid.

The main altarpiece was presided over by a superb canvas of the imposition of the scapular on the saint, a work signed and dated by Philip Diricksen in 1642 and which is now in the collegiate church of Roncesvalles.


Discalced Carmelites of Tudela


  • ARRESE, J. J., Arte religioso en un pueblo de España, Madrid, CSIC, 1963.

  • GARCÍA GAÍNZA, M. C., "El convento de Carmelitas Descalzas de Lesaca", bulletin del seminar de Arte y Arqueología de Valladolid, 39, 1973, pp. 333-344.

  • FERNÁNDEZ GRACIA, R. and ECHEVERRÍA GOÑI, P. L., "El convento e iglesia de los carmelitas descalzos de Pamplona. Architecture", Príncipe de Viana (1981), pp. 787-818.

  • ECHEVERRÍA GOÑI, P. L. and FERNÁNDEZ GRACIA, R., "El convento e iglesia de los carmelitas descalzos de Pamplona. Exorno artístico", Príncipe de Viana, 164, 1981, pp. 819-891.

  • LABEAGA MENDIOLA, J. C., "Reliquary, autograph and images of Saint Teresa of Jesus in the Parish of Santa María de Viana", Príncipe de Viana, 164, 1981, pp. 893-91.

  • FERNÁNDEZ GRACIA, R. and ECHEVERRÍA GOÑI, P. L., "Fundaciones del Carmen Descalzo en Navarra", Santa Teresa en Navarra. IV Centenary of her death, Pamplona, Grafinasa, 1982, pp. 13-25.

  • ECHEVERRÍA GOÑI, P. L. and FERNÁNDEZ GRACIA, R., "Aportación de los Carmelitas Descalzos a la Historia del Arte Navarro. Tracistas y Arquitectos de la Orden", Santa Teresa en Navarra. IV Centenary of her death, Pamplona, Grafinasa, 1982, pp. 183-230.

  • FERNÁNDEZ GRACIA, R. and ECHEVERRÍA GOÑI, P. L., "Notas para un estudio iconográfico de Santa Teresa en Navarra", Santa Teresa en Navarra. IV Centenary of her death, Pamplona, Grafinasa, 1982, pp. 231-284.

  • ECHEVERRÍA GOÑI, P. and FERNÁNDEZ GRACIA, R., "Vicente and Carlos Berdusán, painters of Santa Teresa. Nuevos lienzos en Pamplona y Lazcano", Santa Teresa en Navarra. IV Centenary of her death, Pamplona, Grafinasa, 1982, pp. 283-298.

  • LABEAGA MENDIOLA, J. C., "Cartas de Santa Teresa de Jesús en Navarra", Santa Teresa en Navarra. IV Centenary of her death, Pamplona, Grafinasa, 1982, pp. 137-182.

  • AZANZA LÓPEZ, J. J., Arquitectura Religiosa Barroca en Navarra, Pamplona, Government of Navarre, 1996.

  • FERNÁNDEZ GRACIA, R., El monasterio de Fitero. Arte y Arquitectura, Panorama Collection, Pamplona, Government of Navarre, Institución Príncipe de Viana, 1997.

  • AZANZA LÓPEZ, J. J., Arquitectura y religiosidad barrocas en Villafranca (Navarra), Pamplona, Grafinasa, 1999.

  • FERNÁNDEZ GRACIA, R., El retablo barroco en Navarra, Pamplona, Government of Navarre, 2003. CARRETERO CALVO, R., "Fundación y construcción del convento de carmelitas descalzos de San José de Tudela /(Navarra), 1597-1603)", Príncipe de Viana (2007), pp. 59-99.

  • FERNÁNDEZ GRACIA, R., "Algunas esculturas napolitanas en Navarra", Pulchrum. Scripta in honorem Mª Concepción García Gainza, Pamplona, Government of Navarre, department de Cultura y Turismo. Institución Príncipe de Viana, 2011, pp. 300-310.
