
pathway Teresian in the rest of Navarre


Reliquary and autograph letter in Viana

Juan Cruz Labeaga has studied the Teresian mementoes in Viana in detail. Among the most notable reliquaries of the saint in Navarre are some with her signature in various private collections, those of subject ostensorio de las Carmelitas de San José de Pamplona and the one in Viana.

The reliquary of the parish of Santa María Viana dates from 1627 and was sent by Fray Juan de San José, superior of the convent of San Hermegildo in Madrid, including an original letter from the saint addressed to Don Teutonio de Braganza in 1574, suitably certified by the general of the order, Fray Juan del Espíritu Santo. The bequest was originally addressed to the canon of Pamplona Don Miguel de Lebrija, brother of Fray Juan de San José. Both were from La Rioja and sons of the Count of Altamira. The piece was inventoried in the parish of Viana until the 19th century.

The reliquary has the shape of a classic frontispiece and is made of ebony wood with ornamental applications of gilded bronze. It consists of a base, main body framed by a Doric order and triangular pediment. In the center it shows several relics of saints and a miniature with a portrait of the saint as a writer and a half long bust. With one hand she holds the pen and with the other the book Closed with a model of a building on top that alludes to her condition of founder. There is also the usual registration from her mouth in a phylactery and a beautiful landscape on the back.

Two images of the saint are preserved in the parish church. The first is located on the bench of the altarpiece of Santa Catalina, contracted, together with another dedicated to Santiago, in 1631 with Juan de Bazcardo and his son-in-law Diego Jiménez II. The second occupies a side niche of an altarpiece on the left side of the ambulatory, which was originally dedicated to San Lorenzo and later to the Virgen del Carmen. The design of the altarpiece is the work of the Carmelite friar José de San Juan de la Cruz, a resident of Logroño at the time, and was made by Juan Jerónimo Coll in 1756.


Reliquary and autograph letter in Viana


  • ARRESE, J. J., Arte religioso en un pueblo de España, Madrid, CSIC, 1963.

  • GARCÍA GAÍNZA, M. C., "El convento de Carmelitas Descalzas de Lesaca", bulletin del seminar de Arte y Arqueología de Valladolid, 39, 1973, pp. 333-344.

  • FERNÁNDEZ GRACIA, R. and ECHEVERRÍA GOÑI, P. L., "El convento e iglesia de los carmelitas descalzos de Pamplona. Architecture", Príncipe de Viana (1981), pp. 787-818.

  • ECHEVERRÍA GOÑI, P. L. and FERNÁNDEZ GRACIA, R., "El convento e iglesia de los carmelitas descalzos de Pamplona. Exorno artístico", Príncipe de Viana, 164, 1981, pp. 819-891.

  • LABEAGA MENDIOLA, J. C., "Reliquary, autograph and images of Saint Teresa of Jesus in the Parish of Santa María de Viana", Príncipe de Viana, 164, 1981, pp. 893-91.

  • FERNÁNDEZ GRACIA, R. and ECHEVERRÍA GOÑI, P. L., "Fundaciones del Carmen Descalzo en Navarra", Santa Teresa en Navarra. IV Centenary of her death, Pamplona, Grafinasa, 1982, pp. 13-25.

  • ECHEVERRÍA GOÑI, P. L. and FERNÁNDEZ GRACIA, R., "Aportación de los Carmelitas Descalzos a la Historia del Arte Navarro. Tracistas y Arquitectos de la Orden", Santa Teresa en Navarra. IV Centenary of her death, Pamplona, Grafinasa, 1982, pp. 183-230.

  • FERNÁNDEZ GRACIA, R. and ECHEVERRÍA GOÑI, P. L., "Notas para un estudio iconográfico de Santa Teresa en Navarra", Santa Teresa en Navarra. IV Centenary of her death, Pamplona, Grafinasa, 1982, pp. 231-284.

  • ECHEVERRÍA GOÑI, P. and FERNÁNDEZ GRACIA, R., "Vicente and Carlos Berdusán, painters of Santa Teresa. Nuevos lienzos en Pamplona y Lazcano", Santa Teresa en Navarra. IV Centenary of her death, Pamplona, Grafinasa, 1982, pp. 283-298.

  • LABEAGA MENDIOLA, J. C., "Cartas de Santa Teresa de Jesús en Navarra", Santa Teresa en Navarra. IV Centenary of her death, Pamplona, Grafinasa, 1982, pp. 137-182.

  • AZANZA LÓPEZ, J. J., Arquitectura Religiosa Barroca en Navarra, Pamplona, Government of Navarre, 1996.

  • FERNÁNDEZ GRACIA, R., El monasterio de Fitero. Arte y Arquitectura, Panorama Collection, Pamplona, Government of Navarre, Institución Príncipe de Viana, 1997.

  • AZANZA LÓPEZ, J. J., Arquitectura y religiosidad barrocas en Villafranca (Navarra), Pamplona, Grafinasa, 1999.

  • FERNÁNDEZ GRACIA, R., El retablo barroco en Navarra, Pamplona, Government of Navarre, 2003. CARRETERO CALVO, R., "Fundación y construcción del convento de carmelitas descalzos de San José de Tudela /(Navarra), 1597-1603)", Príncipe de Viana (2007), pp. 59-99.

  • FERNÁNDEZ GRACIA, R., "Algunas esculturas napolitanas en Navarra", Pulchrum. Scripta in honorem Mª Concepción García Gainza, Pamplona, Government of Navarre, department de Cultura y Turismo. Institución Príncipe de Viana, 2011, pp. 300-310.
