
The Roman villa of Arellano


Bedroom. Cubiculum

The Arellano mosaics adorned some of the rooms built after the renovation of the villa at the beginning of the 4th century AD, and the influence of oriental aesthetics is reflected in them, both in the design and treatment of the figures and in the choice of plant and geometric themes. They follow a specific iconographic programme: the myth of Cybele and Attis.

The main bedroom (cubiculum) was decorated with a precious mosaic pavement that has survived to the present day in a very deteriorated state due to agricultural work and erosion. The bed occupied the space with geometric decoration, revealing an emblem with figural decoration depicting the birth of Attis, showing in the foreground a naked child sheltered in a cave and, in the background, a female figure with a protective gesture, hunting a swan with her left hand. The scene takes place in a watery setting, alluding to the river Sangarius, where, according to some versions of the legend, Cybele picked up Attis as a child.

As for the myth of Cybele and Attis among classical authors, there are different versions of this legend, the most widespread is the one that tells how Cybele had fallen in love with Attis, an adolescent of great beauty. The goddess showered him with gifts and made him promise that he would always remain at her service and that he would never love another woman. But one day Attis met the nymph Sangaritis and betrayed Cybele. When the goddess found out what had happened, she killed the nymph and lost the spirit of Attis, who, in a fit of madness, committed suicide by cutting off his genitals. 


Bedroom. Cubiculum

Bedroom. Cubiculum


How to get there: The easiest way to get there is from the Pamplona - Logroño motorway, a few kilometres past Estella in the direction of Logroño, take exit 51 to Arróniz, on the NA-6340. After a few kilometres, the museum complex appears on the right.

Important: All information

scheduleSee web page.

Bibliography: María Ángeles Mezquíriz Irujo, La villa romana de Arellano, Gobierno de Navarra, Pamplona, 2003.
