Saint Gregory of Ostia
Saint Gregory of Ostia, who was Cardinal and Bishop of Ostia, died in Logroño on 9 May 1044, where he was preaching, sent by Pope John XVIII. After his death, legend has it that his body was miraculously transported by a donkey to the Piñalba hill, in the municipality of Sorlada, a Navarrese town on the border with Álava and La Rioja, where he was to be buried and where a church was to be dedicated to him. Saint Gregory was venerated as an advocate against the plagues of the countryside, thanks to which he was widely venerated throughout the past centuries. partner Although today it may seem to be a local sanctuary in Navarre, with hardly any devotional weight or importance, nevertheless this sanctuary was between the 16th and 18th centuries the most important religious centre in Navarre, as well as one of the most active in the whole of Spain, thanks to the protection that the Saint offered to the fields and crops in an eminently rural society. Many devotees from all over Spain sent emissaries to Sorlada to collect the holy water with which to irrigate the fields and thus rid them of plagues. There were also numerous requests for the ark with the relics of the Saint, as well as his reliquary bust, to travel around different parts of Spain.
BARRAGÁN LANDA, J.J., "Las plagas del campo español y la devoción a San Gregorio Ostiense", in Cuadernos de Etnología y Etnografía en Navarra, n 29, Pamplona, 1978.
CRUZ VALDOVINOS, J.M., "Historia de la platería en la basílica de San Gregorio Ostiense", in Príncipe de Viana, n 163, Pamplona, 1981.
GARCÍA GAINZA, Mª.C. and others, Catalog monumental de Navarra. Merindad de Estella, Volume III**, Pamplona, 1983.
GARCÍA GAINZA, Mª.C., "Arca-relicario de San Gregorio Ostiense de Sorlada", in FERNÁNDEZ GRACIA, R., (Coord.) Pamplona y San Cernín 1611-2011. IV centenary of the city's vow, Pamplona, 2012.
MADRAZO Y KUNTZ, P., Navarra y Logroño, Barcelona, 1886.
MIGUÉLIZ VALCARLOS, I., "Medallones relicarios de origen lombardo en una pieza de orfebrería navarra: el arca relicario de Sorlada", in OADI. Osservatorio per le Arti Decorative in Italia, no. 6, Palermo, 2012.
PASTOR ABAIGAR, V., Fábrica de San Gregorio Ostiense. Basílica y Hospedería, Government of Navarre, Pamplona, 2015.
SALAZAR A. de, Historia de San Gregorio de Piñalva, Obispo de Ostia, Cardenal de la santa Iglesia de Roma, y su bibliotecario y bequest à Latere, Pamplona, 1624.