Saint Gregory of Ostia
The interior of the basilica is one of the most theatrical spaces of the Navarrese Baroque, centered on the Wayside Cross, whose spatial arrangement creates a scenographic environment of great impact. The walls, roofs, drum and dome are articulated by means of recessed pilasters of composite order, molded cornices and straight openings, which simulate the entrances of a theater, and niches of profile mixtilinear. All this is covered by a fine chinoiserie decoration of vases with floral and vegetal elements and rockeries painted in blue and gold tones. Along with this ornamentation completes the decorative exuberance of this space a rich iconography arranged in the niches located in the covers and the drum of the dome, and in the pendentives. It is composed of different figures: Apostles, Evangelists, Fathers and Doctors of the Church and Saints. Thus, on the covers of the Wayside Cross there are two Holy Bishops, Saint Blaise, Saint Gregory Nazianzen, Saint Martin, Saint Nicholas, Saint Fermin, Saint Gregory Ostiense and Saint Saturninus. On the pendentives are the Evangelists: St. Luke, St. Mark, St. John and St. Matthew. On the pedestals of the drum the history of San Gregorio is displayed, and interspersed with them the figures of San Jerónimo, San Gregorio Papa, San Agustín, San Ambrosio, Santo Tomás de Aquino, San Isidoro de Sevilla, San Leandro and San Buenaventura. And finally on the cornice of the drum there are eight Apostles.
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