Saint Gregory of Ostia
Hostelry and humilladero
In front of the main entrance of the basilica stands the Hospedería building, a rectangular construction with four facades, all of them of different heights due to the unevenness of the terrain. It was built during the first half of the 18th century, as evidenced by the contracting of several works in 1728 with the stonemason Nicolás del Castillo and the bricklayer Antonio Catalán. Throughout history it has undergone numerous reforms, especially in its interior structure, which has modified its reading.
To the west of the place located in front of the basilica stands a small shrine in the form of a square temple, articulated by means of chamfered pillars carved in ashlar stone and that serve as support for four brick arches on which sits a dome on pendentives, which outwardly translates into a hipped roof. In its interior it shelters a small altar in which the reliquary urn of San Gregorio was placed for the veneration of the faithful. This construction was carried out in 1718, at the same time that the bell tower and the paving of the place where it is located were being built.
BARRAGÁN LANDA, J.J., "Las plagas del campo español y la devoción a San Gregorio Ostiense", in Cuadernos de Etnología y Etnografía en Navarra, n 29, Pamplona, 1978.
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MADRAZO Y KUNTZ, P., Navarra y Logroño, Barcelona, 1886.
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