Saint Gregory of Ostia
The building is built in ashlar stone with a Latin cross plan with a nave of four bays and a trefoil Wayside Cross , with semicircular arms and apse on the interior and polygonal on the exterior. In the nave, with a high choir at the foot, there are composite pilasters and a half-barrel vault roof. While the Wayside Cross is articulated by means of three exedras covered by domes of quarter of sphere that give way to a dome on pendentives and octagonal drum, that to the outside is translated in a brick body. The drum has large windows that allow the entrance of light in contrast to the greater semidarkness of the nave of the church. This spatial conception is one of the most scenographic and theatrical examples of all the Navarrese baroque, focusing the protagonism of the temple. The theatricality of this space is highlighted by the architectural and decorative plasticity of the walls. From the apse, and through two doors located on the sides of the main altarpiece, one passes to the dressing room, of rectangular plant with elliptical dome on pendentives and walls articulated by means of pilasters of compound order. The sacristy, located in the angle formed by the north arm of the nave and the Wayside Cross, is a rectangular space of great simplicity covered by a half barrel vault with lunettes.
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