Navarrese town councils (III):
merindades of Sangüesa and Tudela
By Eduardo Morales Solchaga
Villafranca, an eighteenth-century site
Prior to the construction of the current city hall, municipal sessions during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries were held in various venues, and even the old hospital was used as a venue meeting.
It is located between place de los Fueros and place España. Its construction dates from around 1770 and its structure and decoration is part of the Baroque of the Ebro Valley. It has three brick facades, each with a different treatment. The main façade has a first body with a portico of five wide arches, a second floor and an attic decorated with the classic row of arches, which covers the entire perimeter.
This old house remained for a long time unchanged in its structure and distribution, until it was renovated in the late nineteenth century as a result of its collapse. In the 60's of the 20th century it was again subjected to works, adapting its internal distribution to the use and function of the house. Subsequently, the two coats of arms on the facade were replaced, since they were completely eroded.
The last reform of the entity (2007-2009), inaugurated on the feast of the Virgen de los Milagros, patron saint of the consistory, had as goal to expand the facilities and provide the building with greater functionality. The works were budgeted at more than half a million euros, with the Government of Navarra contributing approximately half of the amount. Although the work took two years to complete, the town hall had to move its activity for approximately five years. The works involved the refurbishment of the façade and the renovation of the building, redistributing the interior spaces. Thus, on the floor leave are the entrance hall, two rooms for Social Services and the peace court. conference room On the first floor are the offices and the offices of administrative office and the mayor's office; and the second floor, which previously housed living quarters for the bailiff and the secretary, houses the plenary hall, a meeting room for the municipal groups and the town's municipal file .
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Newspaper libraries of Diario de Navarra and Diario de Noticias.
Websites of the Town Councils of Ablitas, Arguedas, Cascante, Corella, Tudela, Villafranca, Lumbier, Roncal and Sangüesa.