Navarrese town councils (III):
merindades of Sangüesa and Tudela
By Eduardo Morales Solchaga
Corella, an expanding city council
The building that houses the town hall was built in the seventeenth century and replaced the old town hall located on Conejera Street, due to the importance that the then place del Mercado and place de la Verdura were gaining over the old medieval house built around a castle that no longer exists.
In 1560, Domingo de Peñarreta was awarded, by auction, works budgeted at 625 ducats to demolish the old town hall and build a new one in the same place; the works were never carried out. In 1576, some land was appraised at the current place de los Fueros for the construction of the aforementioned house, although it is not clear if the current building, finally located at place de España, was built specifically to house the Town Hall or if it had a different use before being destined for governmental functions.
Throughout its history, the building has undergone several renovations. In 1700, the mason Juan de Argós had to renovate the main conference room , repair the wooden seats, secure the file in a wooden cabinet and rebuild the roofs due to fire damage. For its part, in 1738, the ceiling of a poorly maintained bay window was removed, a door was opened and a staircase was added. In addition, in the middle of the same century, the masons Manuel Gómez and Juan Antonio Garbayo, together with the carpenter Miguel Ángel de Arrieta, carried out some minor works.
At the beginning of the 1980s, the building underwent an aesthetic transformation towards baroque, following project by architects César Sesma Bienzobas and Francisco Bellido Núñez. Brick frames were introduced in the openings, the three pre-existing balconies on the second floor were merged, among which there are two coats of arms representing the medieval heraldry of the city, an eagle in an attitude of catching a rabbit in flight. In addition, cantilevers were added to the second floor balconies and the old windows were replaced by oculi on the top floor.
Recently, the City Council of Corella has acquired the palace of the Alonso family, located next to the aforementioned house, to be used as an extension of the municipal administrative facilities and, at the same time, to protect and recover the historical and artistic heritage of the city. After the refurbishment, both buildings will form a structural unit, with the leave floor being used to serve the public.
ANDUEZA UNANUA, P. and ORTA RUBIO, E., Panorama n.º 38: Corella, Pamplona, Government of Navarra, 2008.
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TARIFA CASTILLA, M.ª J., "La Casa de la Villa de Cascante a la luz de la contratación y trazas del Siglo XVI", in Revista del Centro de programs of study Merindad de Tudela, n.º 24, 2016, pp. 7-64.
VV. AA., Casas consistoriales de Navarra, Pamplona, Government of Navarra, 1988.
VV. AA., Catalog Monumental de Navarra: Merindad de Tudela, Pamplona, Government of Navarra, 1980.
VV. AA., Catalog Monumental de Navarra: Merindad de Sangüesa, Pamplona, Government of Navarra, vol. I, 1989.
VV. AA., Catalog Monumental de Navarra: Merindad de Sangüesa, Pamplona, Government of Navarra, vol. II, 1992.
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Newspaper libraries of Diario de Navarra and Diario de Noticias.
Websites of the Town Councils of Ablitas, Arguedas, Cascante, Corella, Tudela, Villafranca, Lumbier, Roncal and Sangüesa.