
Navarrese town councils (III):
merindades of Sangüesa and Tudela




This virtual visit represents the culmination of the tour of the Navarre municipalities, which began in 2022 with those of the Merindad de Pamplona and continued in 2023 with those of Estella and Olite.

The historical context, as well as the architectural and urbanistic considerations provided during the first tour, are completely applicable and extensible to the sections presented in this research. Therefore, it is not necessary to delve again into its development, which can be easily consulted.

On this occasion, the visit has focused on the merindades of Sangüesa and Tudela, highlighting some of the most prominent town halls in these areas: Lumbier, Roncal and Sangüesa in the former; and Ablitas, Azagra, Cascante, Corella, Tudela and Villafranca in the latter.

To carry out this study, methodologies similar to those used in previous installments have been used, with the financial aid of general programs of study such as the Catalog Monumental de Navarra or the Gran Enciclopedia de Navarra, as well as other more specific ones such as those offered by the Panorama collection, the Revista del Centro de programs of study de la Merindad de Tudela or the Cuadernos de la Chair de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro, among others. Although it requires a update, the pioneering monograph entitled Casas Consistoriales en Navarra, published in 1988, is still relevant. In addition, the newspaper archives of the two most popular newspapers in Navarre and the web pages of the aforementioned town halls provide valuable information that complements visit. To all of them we owe their contribution.


ANDUEZA UNANUA, P. and ORTA RUBIO, E., Panorama n.º 38: Corella, Pamplona, Government of Navarra, 2008.

ANDUEZA UNANUA, P., "La arquitectura señorial de Navarra y el espacio doméstico durante el Antiguo Régimen", in Cuadernos de la Chair de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro, n.º 4, 2009, pp. 219-263.

ANDUEZA UNANUA, P., Patrimonio y familia: la casa y el espacio doméstico en Navarra, Pamplona, Chair de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro, 2019.

AZANZA LÓPEZ, J. J., "Casas consistoriales navarras: urbanismo, morfología y evolución tipológica", in Cuadernos de la Chair de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro, n.º 4, 2009, pp. 69-103.

FERNÁNDEZ GRACIA, R. [Coord.], El Arte del Barroco en Navarra, Pamplona, Gobierno de Navarra, 2014.

GARCÍA GAÍNZA M.ª C. and FERNÁNDEZ GRACIA, R., El Arte del Renacimiento en Navarra, Pamplona, Government of Navarra, 2006.

LABEAGA MENDIOLA, J. C., Panorama n.º 22: Sangüesa, Pamplona, Government of Navarra, 1994.

LARUMBE MARTÍN, M., Academicismo y la arquitectura del siglo XIX en Navarra, Pamplona, Government of Navarra, 1990.

ORTA RUBIO, E., Panorama n.º 41: Tudela, Pamplona, Government of Navarra, 2009.

TARIFA CASTILLA, M.ª J., "La Casa de la Villa de Cascante a la luz de la contratación y trazas del Siglo XVI", in Revista del Centro de programs of study Merindad de Tudela, n.º 24, 2016, pp. 7-64.

VV. AA., Casas consistoriales de Navarra, Pamplona, Government of Navarra, 1988.

VV. AA., Catalog Monumental de Navarra: Merindad de Tudela, Pamplona, Government of Navarra, 1980.

VV. AA., Catalog Monumental de Navarra: Merindad de Sangüesa, Pamplona, Government of Navarra, vol. I, 1989.

VV. AA., Catalog Monumental de Navarra: Merindad de Sangüesa, Pamplona, Government of Navarra, vol. II, 1992.

VV. AA., Gran Enciclopedia de Navarra, Pamplona, Caja de Ahorros de Navarra, 1990.

Newspaper libraries of Diario de Navarra and Diario de Noticias.

Websites of the Town Councils of Ablitas, Arguedas, Cascante, Corella, Tudela, Villafranca, Lumbier, Roncal and Sangüesa.