Navarrese town councils (III):
merindades of Sangüesa and Tudela
By Eduardo Morales Solchaga
Lumbier, the oldest town hall in Navarre
In Lumbier, the town hall stands majestically in the Calle Mayor, surrounded by impressive facades that bear witness to the prosperity of the town from the leave Age average to the 18th century. Among so many stately residences, the town hall -built with stone, brick and masonry- stands out for its unique characteristics as a public building.
The building has two floors. On the leave, a portico is formed by two semicircular stone arches resting on an octagonal pillar. Some details of these, as well as the aforementioned chamfered pillar, suggest late Gothic influences, indicating that this building may have been erected between the end of the 15th century and the first third of the 16th century, making it the oldest town hall in Navarre. In comparison, that of Sangüesa, dated 1569, exhibits a refined Renaissance style, as will be seen below.
The entire second floor is made of stone and above the cornice rises a brick floor in which two openings were opened with stone frames, reformed with little taste, and iron balcony. Between both can be seen a simple stone shield with the arms of the town, which is heraldically defined as follows: "Of azure and a castle with three crenellated towers with three battlements, the central one higher than the lateral ones. The castle has an eight-pointed star on the sinister flank and a silver crescent on the right". The facade ends in overhanging eaves, supported by wooden corbels.
The arches lead to a rather modified porch with a flat roof of beams whose original space was reduced by incorporating rooms of the consistory itself on both sides. Through a doorway with a semicircular arch composed of excellent voussoirs, access is gained to entrance hall, where a solid wooden railing flanks the staircase.
The town hall has structural alterations, both in facade and interior, since in 1879 it was partially consumed by fire. More recently, at the end of the decade of the 80's of the last century, works were carried out for its adequacy that imported almost 13 million pesetas. This intervention was financed in part with the financial aid of the Government of Navarra.
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TARIFA CASTILLA, M.ª J., "La Casa de la Villa de Cascante a la luz de la contratación y trazas del Siglo XVI", in Revista del Centro de programs of study Merindad de Tudela, n.º 24, 2016, pp. 7-64.
VV. AA., Casas consistoriales de Navarra, Pamplona, Government of Navarra, 1988.
VV. AA., Catalog Monumental de Navarra: Merindad de Tudela, Pamplona, Government of Navarra, 1980.
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Newspaper libraries of Diario de Navarra and Diario de Noticias.
Websites of the Town Councils of Ablitas, Arguedas, Cascante, Corella, Tudela, Villafranca, Lumbier, Roncal and Sangüesa.