
Saint Gregory of Ostia


Altarpieces and church ornaments

In the Wayside Cross is also located an important set of three rococo altarpieces, major and collateral, made by Silvestre Soria in 1769, and gilded at the same date by Santiago Zuazo. They have a mixtilinear plan of a single body, on a bench with landscape reliefs, which is articulated by columns of compound order that frame a central niche. The main altarpiece gains in complexity with respect to the lateral ones, including in the same one two doors of access to the dressing room, room to which the niche that shelters San Gregorio opens as a transparent one. Said Saint presides over this altarpiece, standing on a pedestal where the casket and the reliquary of the Saint's head are kept and framed by his disciples, Saint Domingo de la Calzada and Saint Juan de Ortega, while on the sides are Saint Joaquin and Saint Isidro Labrador, all of them made by the court sculptor Roberto Michel in 1768. The three are covered with a rich decoration of rockeries, flowers and vegetal elements, that in the attic frame a glory with angels with the cardinal emblems and cherubs that frame the Child Jesus in the sides and the Eternal Father in the Major. The ornamentation of the Wayside Cross is completed by two 19th century canvases with the Immaculate Conception and St. Joseph.

Finally, in the buttresses of the Wayside Cross there are two iron pulpits made by the Pamplona-born Miguel Barrera in 1777, while the loudspeakers are the work of Sebastián Sáez de Larramendi and their gilding is by Santos de Torres, and in the nave there are seven 19th century canvases alluding to the life of Saint Gregory.


Altarpieces and church ornaments


BARRAGÁN LANDA, J.J., "Las plagas del campo español y la devoción a San Gregorio Ostiense", in Cuadernos de Etnología y Etnografía en Navarra, n 29, Pamplona, 1978.

CRUZ VALDOVINOS, J.M., "Historia de la platería en la basílica de San Gregorio Ostiense", in Príncipe de Viana, n 163, Pamplona, 1981.

GARCÍA GAINZA, Mª.C. and others, Catalog monumental de Navarra. Merindad de Estella, Volume III**, Pamplona, 1983.

GARCÍA GAINZA, Mª.C., "Arca-relicario de San Gregorio Ostiense de Sorlada", in FERNÁNDEZ GRACIA, R., (Coord.) Pamplona y San Cernín 1611-2011. IV centenary of the city's vow, Pamplona, 2012.

MADRAZO Y KUNTZ, P., Navarra y Logroño, Barcelona, 1886.

MIGUÉLIZ VALCARLOS, I., "Medallones relicarios de origen lombardo en una pieza de orfebrería navarra: el arca relicario de Sorlada", in OADI. Osservatorio per le Arti Decorative in Italia, no. 6, Palermo, 2012.

PASTOR ABAIGAR, V., Fábrica de San Gregorio Ostiense. Basílica y Hospedería, Government of Navarre, Pamplona, 2015.

SALAZAR A. de, Historia de San Gregorio de Piñalva, Obispo de Ostia, Cardenal de la santa Iglesia de Roma, y su bibliotecario y bequest à Latere, Pamplona, 1624.
