Navarre municipalities: merindades of Estella and Olite
By Eduardo Morales Solchaga
Allo, one of the oldest houses in the Old Kingdom
Among the town halls that have been preserved in Navarra, the one in Allo is one of the oldest and most interesting, since after Lumbier and Sangüesa it is the oldest in Navarra and the only one that preserves its entire façade.
It presides over the main front of place de los Fueros and was built in the last quarter of the 16th century with ashlar stone in the doorways and corners, and stuccoed masonry in the rest. The building forms a large prismatic block of great proportions, aligned with houses at one end and Exempt at the other, facing Carnicerías Street.
Of Renaissance style, it is formed by two upper bodies of equal height and a low attic, seated on a portico of five lowered arches, two frontal and one lateral that are mounted on pillars. The façade perfectly reflects, by means of the imposts that run along it and the openings, the internal articulation of the building.
Through the aforementioned arcades, there is access to a covered porch with small vaults that give way to five entrances, two of them modern. The main floor stands out for its five rectangular openings, the lateral ones with simple wrought iron railings and the central one with a long balcony on a double stone ledge, also provided with its corresponding ironwork. Two iron arches also delimit the main space, reserved for the highest authorities.
Somewhat off-center to the left and breaking the impost, an elegant shield with the arms of the town presides over the whole, with a cartouche of twisted leather, framed by pilasters and topped by a triangular pediment crowned with a crown. It incorporates the following registration: "AÑO 1575 INEXPUGNABLES". On both sides of the pediment are incorporated the busts, with feathered helmets of Hannibal and Scipio, protagonists of the last of the Punic Wars, and two of the most famous generals of Antiquity. It is the topic of the "confronted captains", that from the poem of the "Punics" emerges in the art of the Renaissance. The duality between the figure of the young and handsome Roman captain, the sum of all virtues, against the evil and brutal Carthaginian captain was repeated ad nauseam but with numerous local variations that represented other political circumstances, such as the resistance to Castile.
Four rectangular windows were opened on the second floor, and in the attic, another five smaller than the previous ones, aligned with the balconies and arches. The facade is crowned by an overhanging wooden eave on canes of the same material.
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Websites of the municipalities of Allo, Los Arcos, Estella, Viana, Larraga, Olite, Tafalla and Miranda de Arga.