Navarre municipalities: merindades of Estella and Olite
By Eduardo Morales Solchaga
Larraga, involved in an urban development action
There is evidence of the existence of a house prior to the current one, which was probably located closer to the cima of the promontory of the old town. Given the Degree deterioration of the original town hall and the need to create new services, it was decided to locate it in an area of the expansion, with larger spaces and suitable for grouping in a single set all the planned public activities. The action in the urban fabric was B, because at the same time as the council building, which had to incorporate the granary, inn and bullpen, the main place was erected.
Work began in 1732, following the designs of one of the most significant architects of 18th century Navarre, Juan de Larrea, and under the direction of master builder Francisco de Aguirre. The coat of arms was made, also following the design of the first one, by Miguel de Zufía, from agreement with the concession made by the Albret family in 1507, settling in 1742.
The result of this place is an "L" plan with a unitary façade. It consists of a floor plan leave composed of arcades with semicircular arches resting on stone ashlars; a brick main floor, open through individual balconies with chiseled grillwork; and an attic, also of brick, with small windows. It is worth mentioning the part corresponding to the town hall, where two of the balconies are joined by a single ledge and the same stone parapet. It is there where the aforementioned coat of arms is located.
At the end of the eighties of the last century a general renovation of the house was carried out, financed with financial aid of the Government of Navarra, consolidating the structure of the building and adapting it to the uses of the municipal administration, also including the Library Services, the file, the courts and the Agrarian Chamber.
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Websites of the municipalities of Allo, Los Arcos, Estella, Viana, Larraga, Olite, Tafalla and Miranda de Arga.